Our Thoughts On... Blakley Bonds Our Thoughts On... Blakley Bonds


Jumping into a training program takes a lot of guts.  A lot of people ponder over the pros and cons for a long time before finally jumping in.  Imagine making the decision to jump when you can only use one of your arms!  That is what Jake did and today is he stronger (with both arms) for it!!  When he started with us he was facing his second surgery to repair a defective prosthetic in his elbow that was replaced after a bad fall.

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Our Thoughts On... Blakley Bonds Our Thoughts On... Blakley Bonds


N.E.A.T.  = Non Exercise Activity Thermogenesis

It’s pretty NEAT to think about but NEAT activities are the things that we do every day other than sleep, eat and exercise that burns calories.

Ready to have your mind blow:  If we use some of the alternative deserts we discussed earlier this week AND we increase our NEAT activities we could create a 500 calorie deficit a day.  If you do that all week you could lose a pound this week!  

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Our Thoughts On... Blakley Bonds Our Thoughts On... Blakley Bonds


How long does it take to lose weight?  To some extent it’s a math equation.  There are about 3500 calories in a pound of fat.  So, if you eat 500 calories less than you burn every day for a week, you would lose about a pound.  That’s a huge simplification but you get the idea.  

Remember, we are on the path toward consistency! And the process of losing weight takes time, more than a 30 day challenge, but what it taking your time does is it leads you toward lasting results.  THAT is what we are after! What we don’t want is a drastic weight loss followed by the same or more weight gain once the challenge is done.  

So back to the question at hand:  How long does it take?  

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Our Thoughts On..., Nutrition Blakley Bonds Our Thoughts On..., Nutrition Blakley Bonds


In our continued effort to bring you no-bs advice and information, we’re here to tell you that you cannot detox your body into shape by purchasing a special food, drink or chemical.

Most of the reason a detox works for someone is because for a set amount of time they aren’t eating all the crap they normally are during the detox. But once the detox is over however, in comes the junk and out goes any results they gained from the process.

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Our Thoughts On... Blakley Bonds Our Thoughts On... Blakley Bonds


We cannot put a date on it and it happened within the past 5 years but one day Jonathan just started cooking… and I let him.

I’m not afraid to admit that he makes 99.99% of our food. And I love it.

We’ve had a few questions about how to bake chicken from clients so we thought this would be the perfect opportunity for him to also teach me.

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Our Thoughts On... Blakley Bonds Our Thoughts On... Blakley Bonds


I (Blakley) grew up in Louisiana and this was a stable at dinner time.  Recently my mom and I cooked this dish together and put a healthy twist on one of our favorite dishes.   Since Jonathan is the self proclaimed ‘chef’ in the house… I had to teach him so we can eat it on the regular.

It’s a great wintertime meal and if you don’t mind leftovers you will be eating on it for a few days!

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