Stupid simple (and delicious) protein prep
Jonathan Jonathan

Stupid simple (and delicious) protein prep

Monday morning. You’re busy. But what’s for dinner?

I know you don’t have time to grill a steak, bake chicken, or cook taco meat every night.

That’s why prepping protein in bulk once or twice a week is a game-changer. It keeps you on track with your goals—and out of the DoorDash app.

One of our go-to meal preps? Buffalo Chicken. It’s quick, delicious, healthy, and easy to clean up.

Here’s how to make it:

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Which parts of aging are optional?
Jonathan Jonathan

Which parts of aging are optional?

As we get older, things naturally change.

We take on more family responsibilities.
We feel the financial squeeze of expensive… well, everything!
We notice new wrinkles, sags, and scraggly grey hairs that pop up overnight.

But some so-called “inevitable” parts of aging? They’re actually optional.

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How To Fix “Skinny Fat”
Jonathan Jonathan

How To Fix “Skinny Fat”

And after three years of doing everything “right,” I looked in the mirror and realized something frustrating:

I was still… skinny.

But not the good kind of lean and muscular. I was skinny fat.

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What If The Problem Isn’t You?
Jonathan Jonathan

What If The Problem Isn’t You?

What Do You Really Want?

Want to drop 5 pounds in 3 days for your friend’s wedding?

Do a juice detox and enjoy being miserable for 72 hours.

Need to lose 20 pounds before your high school reunion?

Pick a fad diet—any fad diet. Fasting, Keto, Carnivore… and do your best to stick to the rules.

Want to lose weight fast, even if you gain it all back the second life gets busy?

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20 Fitness Terms Defined
Jonathan Jonathan

20 Fitness Terms Defined

You ever been in a conversation where you have no clue what’s being said, but you just smile, nod, and pray no one asks for your opinion?

Like when your friend starts talking about their crypto investments:
Them: “Yeah, I’m staking Ethereum on a DeFi platform with yield farming.”
You: Oh, for sure. Gotta maximize that… uh… blockchain synergy.” 👀

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A Supplement Too Good To Be True?
Jonathan Jonathan

A Supplement Too Good To Be True?

If you’re serious about getting stronger, losing fat, and feeling like a functioning human instead of a caffeinated zombie, you NEED this supplement.

It’s called GTB, and it’s about to revolutionize your progress.

What does GTB do for you?

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Is This Fitness Advice Legit?
Jonathan Jonathan

Is This Fitness Advice Legit?

If drinking apple cider vinegar every morning actually “melted fat,” we’d all have six packs by now.

If 5-minute ab workouts truly gave you a shredded core, dad bods wouldn’t exist.

And if a magic pill could burn fat while you sleep… well, let’s just say the supplement industry wouldn’t be worth billions.

The truth? The fitness world is full of bad advice that sounds good. And for some reason, we keep falling for it.

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Make Getting In Shape
Jonathan Jonathan

Make Getting In Shape

Getting in the best shape of your life is incredibly simple.

Even if you’ve got average genetics.

Even if your schedule is packed with responsibilities.

Even if you’ve gained weight since college.

Even if the things that worked for you before no longer move the needle.

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Drake got it wrong
Jonathan Jonathan

Drake got it wrong

Well, we did it.

Yesterday morning, we stood in the entryway of our house, said a teary-eyed prayer of gratitude, and then rolled out.

About four hours later, we pulled into our spot for the next few days.

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This tiny change makes fitness 10x easier
Jonathan Jonathan

This tiny change makes fitness 10x easier

Moving from a 2,700-square-foot house into a 27-linear-foot Airstream has been eye-opening.

Over the last month, everything we’ve accumulated in 23 years of marriage has been put to this test:

Do we want or need this?

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A guy told me this to my face…
Jonathan Jonathan

A guy told me this to my face…

A guy I’d just met told me to my face that I was weak, and that if I didn’t get stronger, Blakley was going to leave me.

His name, Mark Rippetoe of “Starting Strength” fame.

The year was 2013. I’d been doing CrossFit consistently for 4 years, but apparently I was still weak.

It turns out, he was right.

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These 7 tips take no extra time
Jonathan Jonathan

These 7 tips take no extra time

It’s Monday morning after the Super Bowl, and you’re already overwhelmed.

Work projects are looming, it’s time to restock on groceries, and you can’t even wrap your brain around your kid-shuttling duties for the week yet.

You have Zero Extra Time.

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We fell off track
Jonathan Jonathan

We fell off track

Blakley and I are “off-track” with our fitness right now.

On Wednesday, we planned to work out after our weekly call with Coach Haley and recording the podcast, but it didn’t happen.

We said we’d do it Thursday morning.

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0/10 do not recommend
Jonathan Jonathan

0/10 do not recommend

Your front door is 36” wide. Your kitchen counters stand at three feet, with cabinets jutting out exactly 12” from the wall. I haven’t been to your house with a measuring tape—I just know the standards of home construction.

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We faced the ultimate relationship test
Jonathan Jonathan

We faced the ultimate relationship test

13 days until we’re homeless.

If you missed it, we’re giving up the house we’ve rented for the last four years to live, work, and travel full-time in our Airstream.

Going from 2,700 square feet to 27 linear feet of living space means hard cuts and moving our must-keep and can’t-get-rid-of items into storage.

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We Had No Money, But She Told Me to Quit Anyway
Jonathan Jonathan

We Had No Money, But She Told Me to Quit Anyway

6 months after we got married, Blakley made me quit my job.

We didn’t have any money, and her salary didn’t cover our monthly expenses.

I was miserable at my job making cold calls to sell insurance.

And that’s just the kind of person that Blakley is.

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Well, that hurt.
Jonathan Jonathan

Well, that hurt.

You never forget the pain of biting your tongue.

Not just a little nibble either…a full-on chomp. You know the kind that makes you freeze, close your eyes, and brace for the pain?

That was me the other night, mid-bowl of soup when I somehow managed to turn dinner into an injury.

You’d think after four and a half decades of eating, I’d have this chewing thing figured out.

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Passing Along Hope
Blakley Bonds Blakley Bonds

Passing Along Hope

It was just after 5am almost a decade ago. I was coaching the early EARLY class at Village CrossFit when after demoing a very simple movement I felt a shooting pain across my low back.

After seeing a doc and getting an MRI within the next few days they determined a disc in my back was herniated and the fluid was pinching a nerve to my leg and foot, causing it to ‘flop’. They recommended surgery the very next day.

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Top 3 Reasons You Don’t Look Like You Lift
Jonathan Jonathan

Top 3 Reasons You Don’t Look Like You Lift

Cutting carbs won’t help you.

A Peloton bike isn’t the answer.

Burning more calories is a waste of time.

Even more CrossFit or HIIT workouts won’t save the day.

They’re all dead ends that will never make you look like you work out.

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