Our Thoughts On..., Nutrition Blakley Bonds Our Thoughts On..., Nutrition Blakley Bonds

Is Collagen Protein Good, Bad, A Miracle or A Hoax?

Unless you grocery shop with a blindfold on you have no doubt seen something on the shelves of your local store called “Collagen Peptides”, “Collagen Protein”, or just “Collagen”.  The packages are usually pretty slick, well designed and made to appeal to people trying to improve their health and/or their fitness.  Typically the benefits of these supplements are marketed as “improves hair, skin and nail health”.  Along with “helps with joint pain and connective tissue health”.  And last but not least “builds muscle, helps burn fat and improves gut health”.  Well who the heck doesn’t want all of those things?!  Well before we jump in our cars and hit the ATM to clear the shelves for all of the collagen peptides that we can fit in our pantry, let’s pump the brakes and look at the facts.

We need to start by defining what collagen is in our bodies.

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Our Thoughts On... Blakley Bonds Our Thoughts On... Blakley Bonds

Today is the day

Today is the day.  New adventure is awaiting.  

I’m writing this from Houston, TX.  

It’s our last day here before we set off on a new adventure that’s taking us to Boise, ID with a few stops along the way.   

We’ve been in Houston for a long time.  Blakley for over 30 years and Jonathan for over 20.  We met here.  We got married 18 years ago here.  We’ve owned homes here.  We’ve had beloved pets born and pass here.  Our friends of over 20 years are here. Blakley’s parents and brother are here.  Our beautiful baby niece is here (you have seen Blakley holding her).  We’ve had careers here and started our own businesses here.  

We have roots here. 

But without change, there can be no growth.  That’s what growth is after all.  A change.   

I’d like to say that we had some grand master plan for this new chapter of our life and that we’ve executed flawlessly to make it come to fruition but that is far from the truth.  It’s been an evolution that has unfolded step by step and opportunity after opportunity no doubt orchestrated by God.  

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Our Thoughts On... Blakley Bonds Our Thoughts On... Blakley Bonds

Is Ibuprofen Safe For Aches and Pains?

This article was born out of our own curiosity on the subject. We’ve taken ibuprofen (Advil) for years for things like aches and pains, muscle soreness and cramps. We don’t take any other medications so we thought it would be smart to dig into the research a little and see what the short and long term effects of taking ibuprofen are.

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Our Thoughts On... Blakley Bonds Our Thoughts On... Blakley Bonds


What is the common theme of the sentences below?

People who have money have saved more often than they’ve over spent.

People who are lean have eaten well more often than they’ve eaten bad.

People who have muscle mass have lifted weights more often than they haven’t.

If you guessed ‘consistency’ you are correct!

They’ve saved, eaten well and/or worked out with weights more often than they haven’t… consistently.

Don’t let one more day pass before you start being consistent on that thing that you’ve been waiting to start and trying to start and reaching for.

Start with us. Start today!

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How To Avoid Gaining Weight On Vacation

Six weeks into the new ‘YOU’ and your summer vacay hits. You’ve been hitting your workouts consistently, eating well consistently and not giving into the sweet temptations that you used to.

Don’t let a vacation destroy you and cause you to return further behind then when you left.

INSTEAD… vacation like a pro by having a blast all the while using self control along the way.

Think about this…

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Our Thoughts On... Blakley Bonds Our Thoughts On... Blakley Bonds


Today we attack several of the questions that have been sent in by YOU, yes YOU!

We received several really good questions so grab a cup of joe and settle in as we take on your questions from our favorite little coffee spot and Bellaire Texas.

Let’s GO!

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