Is This Fitness Advice Legit?

If drinking apple cider vinegar every morning actually “melted fat,” we’d all have six packs by now.

If 5-minute ab workouts truly gave you a shredded core, dad bods wouldn’t exist.

And if a magic pill could burn fat while you sleep… well, let’s just say the supplement industry wouldn’t be worth billions.

The truth? The fitness world is full of bad advice that sounds good. And for some reason, we keep falling for it.

That’s why in yesterday’s podcast, Blakley and I tackled eight common fitness claims and decided whether you should “Take It or Leave It.”

The advice:

1. If you want to lose weight, avoid spiking your blood sugar because you’ll release insulin, which makes you store fat.

2. Don’t eat past 7 pm or you’ll gain weight since you aren’t burning off the calories overnight.

3. Using the Leg press machine is safer for your back than back squats

4. Fresh foods are healthier than frozen or canned

5. If you want to tone a muscle without it getting bulky, use light weights and do higher reps.

6. To lose weight, do your workouts in the fat-burning zone heart rate

7. If you have an injury, the best thing to do is rest it.

8. If you’re tracking your calories and you stop losing weight, you should lower your calories.

Find out which you should focus on, and which you should forget.

Watch the entire podcast on YouTube.

Lift heavy, be nice.



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