Nutrition, Mindset Blakley Bonds Nutrition, Mindset Blakley Bonds

You're working hard in the gym, but you don't look different. Here's why.

If you’re reading this you probably have some interest in health and fitness. You might have even taken steps to get in shape by exercising. For some this might mean taking the stairs instead of the elevator and for others it might mean going to group classes several times per week. You might remember those first few weeks and months of fast progress where you were stronger every time you stepped into the gym and likely even saw some changes in the mirror pretty quickly. But then progress slowed down and those quick gains didn’t come so quickly. Months might of even gone by without you noticing any changes in the mirror.

We know what the problem is because we've been in your shoes and we've seen it play out in ourselves, friends and client’s lives time after time.

You’re fighting a losing battle by working against yourself every hour that you're not in the gym. It’s a “two steps forward, one step back” thing. It’s not that you’re lazy, it’s just that you don’t see what you’re missing because you’ve never been taught the importance of one thing and then put that knowledge into practice.

I’m talking about your nutrition. The food you eat and the drinks you drink.

I know what you might be thinking… “But I work out!” Or maybe you’re thinking “Yeah yeah, I know… Don’t eat pizza. Don’t eat bread and certainly don’t have alcohol”.

This is the lack of understanding that I referenced earlier.

You don’t even know what you don’t know yet.

You don’t know what and how much to be eating to see the physical changes that you want.

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Mindset Blakley Bonds Mindset Blakley Bonds

How To Deal With People Who Pressure You To Eat Food You Don't Want


You have to have a piece.

“Thank you so much but I’m already pretty full from dinner.”

“No, I’m serious. You HAVE to have a piece.”

“You know, I’m trying to cut back on my sugar.”

“One piece won’t kill you.”

“I’m really trying not to eat when I’m not hungry but thank you!”

“PLEASE, I went to a lot of trouble to make it.”


Has this happened to you? Was it a friend pushing you to eat something that you didn’t want to? Was it your spouse? A parent or grandparent?

It doesn’t really matter who it was. What it boils down to is a situation where you’re faced with a decision.

I’m not here to tell you which decision to make. I’m not in your shoes and don’t know your friends/family.

But what I can tell you is that you do not need to own that guilt that others try to put on you.

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