You're working hard in the gym, but you don't look different. Here's why.

If you’re reading this you’re probably into health and fitness. Maybe you’ve even taken steps to get in shape. For some, this might mean taking the stairs instead of the elevator. And for others, it might mean going to group classes or pumping iron several times per week.

Remember those first few weeks and months of fast progress where you got stronger every time you stepped into the gym?

You probably even saw changes in the mirror pretty quickly too. But then progress slowed down and those quick gains didn’t come so quickly.

Months might have even gone by without you noticing any changes in the mirror.

That’s frustrating, and we know it. We lived that life, and we’ve helped hundreds of other frustrated folks like you.

Here’s what we’ve found out:

You’re fighting a losing battle by working against yourself every hour that you're not in the gym.

It’s a “two steps forward, one step back” kind of thing.

It’s not that you’re lazy, it’s just that you don’t see what you’re missing because you’ve never been taught the importance of one critical thing, and then put that knowledge into practice.

I’m talking about your nutrition.

The food you eat and the drinks you drink.

I know what you might be thinking… “But I work out!” Or maybe you’re thinking “Yeah yeah, I know… Don’t eat pizza. Don’t eat bread, and definitely don’t have alcohol”.

This is the lack of understanding that I was just talking about.

You don’t even know what you don’t know yet.

You don’t know what, and how much to be eating to see the physical changes that you want.

You also probably have a distorted perception of what consistency with your nutrition really looks like.

Maybe you’ve kinda half tried to “eat clean” or “eat healthy” before, but you’ve never put the intensity and effort into your nutrition like you have your workouts. We know because we lived this life for years before it finally “clicked” for us.

We worked our tails off in the gym lifting weights, running, jumping on things, swinging things.

We got stronger and in better shape no doubt, but we didn’t fully understand how the food we chose to eat could affect the physical changes that we wanted to see.

You’ve probably heard the expression “You can’t out exercise a bad diet”.

Well, it’s true.

The fact is that exercise is just a small piece of the pie when it comes to how many calories per day you burn.

We could write an entire post breaking down the average calorie burn of different exercises but you probably don’t need much convincing on this topic since the evidence of it is obvious in every gym.

Hundreds of people going from machine to machine and from treadmill to treadmill never seeing changes despite putting in the work.

The truth is that the chances of you “accidentally” eating in a way that supports building your body and shedding fat are pretty slim to none.

It takes knowledge, discipline, and ultimately a permanent lifestyle change.

We’re not talking about a 4-week challenge where you get hyper-focused on whatever the diet of the month is and then burn yourself out and regain the weight you lost.

We’re talking about really learning about food, how it works with your body, and how to eat sustainably to not only improve your health but to see the aesthetic changes that you want.

Once you learn and understand about energy balance (calories), macro and micronutrients, fiber and supplements, and then ultimately put those things into practice for an extended time…That’s when the magic happens.

  • You start to know what it feels like to be fueled.

  • To have energy.

  • To feel strong.

  • To not need a nap.

  • To see your muscles continue to grow.

  • To see fat disappear until you become lean.

The great thing is that once your eyes are opened and you “get it”, you learn not only how to fuel and build your body instinctively without weighing and measuring food, but also how to make room for the food and drinks that come with normal social situations.

You also see the way that you can feel on the other side, and that feeling becomes a reward in and of itself to keep going.

We can’t make the decision to change for you. You have to do that.

You have to get to the point where the light bulb comes on and you realize that you’ve been putting 100% effort into less than half of the equation.

We get it because we’ve been there.

Working out can be fun. It can be addictive.

Nutrition and diet aren’t as sexy because let’s face it, it takes work and it takes time.

And lots of food that tastes great isn’t that great for you. Not to mention that there’s so much terrible information out there that it’s hard to know what to do and who to trust.

We hope you have that moment that makes you decide that you’re going to keep plugging away at the gym but you’re also going to do the work of learning how to eat to reach your goals.

It’s the hard work that has a huge payoff.

If you need a place to start, try our free 2-Week Turnaround. It just might be the kick you need 🤜🏼

If you need help, send us a message today.


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