You’re Starving, and The Drive-Thru is Calling. What do you do? Grayson's Story


We love to read notes from our from our clients, like this one from Grayson:

Wanted to share my experience tonight with ya, coach.

I’m working at a friend’s place an hour away trying to finish their basement project for them. So after my big breakfast this AM I pack lunch—a protein shake, a salad and chicken, and a Monster. Wait, I was hungry last time­­. Better pack an extra shake.

Fast forward. I drink one shake about an hour or two before lunch. Later, I scarf down my salad and chicken. I’m satisfied.  

Two hours pass and I start getting hungry again. UGH! I go about my work and then go into my truck and start digging around for an obscure tool—Wait, what's this? A Cinnamon Toast Crunch single serve, buried, lost and forgotten by my son? Well, I've been moving around all day today and doing physical labor…there's nothing else to eat.

It was delicious.

4 o'clock comes and goes.

6:00: STILL at my friend’s.



7:15 on the road. Phone call with the wife: "Yeah I'll just pick something up. I'm exhausted and ravenous."

7:21: I pull into McDonald's. Meanwhile everything I know and have learned working with you guys and all my own justifications are cycling through my brain...consistency... only 90% of the deserve this…don't track the fast food…you've burned so many calories today…don't do this…eat for the results you want…nothing tastes as good as fit feels.

7:23: I leave the drive thru line empty-handed and pull out the second shake I packed.

I leave feeling proud of myself, but this is NOT the last drive thru. No, it’s the first of many on my 60-minute drive home. And you better believe I fight every sign for fast food that I see.

Come home and my wife graciously tells me to go clean up, that she'll make me a turkey burger. Hop on my phone and check in on social media while the water is warming—Oh, a post about how Haley joined DB. Cool! She's talking about mental health, having goals but not necessarily mentally there to achieve them. Her story sounds so similar in some ways.

"Wait,” I say to myself. “You just pulled away from McDonald's in a time where you were starving. You've never been able to do that. Food has always been a crutch and a comfort to you after long days. You're not on your depression/anxiety meds anymore. You're packing a healthy lunch and not getting take out. You picked a gross strawberry shake over a hot delicious Big Mac. You're going to reach your physical goals because you're making hard decisions you've never even thought previously possible." 

P.S. I was over my calories today, but they were calories fought for and a lot healthier than greasy fast food.

P.P.S. It’s the next morning now. I just weighed in at my lowest weight in 5 months.



How To Build Morning & Evening Routines


How To Set Your Calorie Deficit For Fat Loss (simple with video)