How Digital Barbell Bride Jen Got In Shape for Her Wedding

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Four months before her wedding, Jen was enjoying full on date mode with her husband-to-be. Dinners out, planning a wedding, all during the holiday season—triple fun! But while her relationship with her fiancé thrived and parties always delivered loads of cheer, Jen’s body began to feel, in her words, “icky”. 

“I didn’t feel comfortable in my own skin,” she told us. 

With a spring wedding approaching, Jen decided to take action, but in a different way than she had in the past.

“I knew that if I was consistent with my eating and exercise for three months, I could see results. At the same time, I also wanted something I could continue as a lifestyle and not just the short-term goal of the wedding and then yo-yo tracking back to where I was before.” 

She’d tried restrictive diets in the past that revolved solely around the scale, and though she knew she could see a difference that way, she also knew it wasn’t sustainable. Numbers down? Success. Weight increase? Failure. Now cut out carbs. Ta-da! Welcome to life with less energy. It was a system designed to fail. 

Enter Digital Barbell!

We’re not here peddling quick fixes. We are here to guide brides, grooms (and all the guests!) along on a health and fitness journey they can maintain for life

So what did that look like for Jen?

When we first teamed up with her, we focused on nutrition, ensuring Jen ate the right balance of protein, fats and carbs, but she soon started training with us as well. 

What happened next? The scale didn’t move a much, but her body composition began to change. The first thing she noticed was a slimmer mid-section (without a thousand sit-ups a day, mind you).

“I was doing squats, deadlifts and bench presses. I was losing fat and could start seeing muscle definition.”

Pretty soon, her arms, thighs and glutes changed, too. With those changes came mental ones. 

“During my final dress fitting a week before the wedding, I felt hot! I looked great. And on the day of my wedding I felt healthy and comfortable in my own skin.”

And she’s sticking with it. Like we said before, the wedding wasn’t the ultimate goal.

“I love the way I’m feeling right now, I love the strength that I have, I love the training I’m doing with you guys. I know I can still go on dates with my husband and still celebrate with friends and still make smart decisions with my nutrition. I want to continue feeling as good as I do now.” 

The honeymoon is over, but now Jen has a fresh energy to bring back to the office, renewed stamina for everyday life, and a stronger body and mind as she looks forward to a long and heathy marriage. 

We’d love to provide you with the same confidence and strength that Jen had on her big day. Click here to apply for nutrition coaching and a custom training program. 


You can also watch the entire interview with Jen here.

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