Why It's So Hard To Get In Shape & What To Do About It

I think I finally figured out why Blakley loves pressure washing.

When we rolled back into Boise this week after being gone for 3 weeks we were greeted by a heavy blanket of maple leaves over the entire yard and driveway. You couldn’t even see the grass.


We actually raked the day before we left to get ahead of the game. HA!

It took about 3 hours of tag-team effort to get it cleared, and by the end it looked completely different.


Just like when you swing that pressure washer side to side and watch the concrete change from black to grey we put in the effort and got a pretty quick result.

Guess what DOES NOT work like this?

The work you put into your health and fitness.

Doing the work of getting up and exercising, and making the right food choices is more like picking up 10 leaves by hand every day.

There’s no instant payoff.

You don’t eat that healthy meal, lift your shirt and see anything different.

You can’t get the butt(s) of your dreams with 1 squat workout.

It takes months of heading out to the yard and picking up those 10 leaves before you really notice that you’re putting a dent in pile.

This is why most people never get healthy.

They give up when they get tired or unmotivated to pick up those 10 leaves every day.

The crazy thing is that the exact same idea works in reverse to lead us into sickness and obesity.

It doesn’t happen quickly or overnight either.

Those leaves that hid our yard fell a few at a time.

But they kept falling and falling for 3 weeks while no one was there to pick them up. (sorry neighbors)

We neglected them over time and eventually they just took over.

You don’t eat a bowl of ice cream and gain 50lbs all at once.

You don’t eat a burger and fries and get Type 2 diabetes all at once.

And the fact that you don’t see anything different in the mirror after doing it once makes you feel not so bad about doing it again tomorrow.

And now you’ve got a habit of doing it.

Those habit leaves just keep falling a few at a time.

And before you know or realize it, your whole yard is covered in leaves and you don’t recognize it any more.

So what do you do?

You’ve got to start picking up leaves a few at a time.

You’ve got to pick up leaves even when you don’t want to.

You’ve got to keep picking up leaves even when it doesn’t look like you’re putting a dent in the work ahead.

You’ve got to learn to find enjoyment in the process of picking up those leaves, knowing that you WILL be able to see progress if you keep putting in the work.

Success in anything is almost always a result of putting in the work even when you aren’t motivated to, and not quitting when things go wrong. Sorry, overnight success isn’t a real thing.

But you’ve got to start picking up leaves if you ever want to see something different.

Why not do it with a team that cares?

We can’t pick up the leaves for you, but we can show you how and be right by your side.

We believe in you.

Jonathan & Blakley


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