Is Fiber Good For Health, Digestion and Fat Loss?
Are you looking for a dietary “hack” that helps you shrink that belly, hips or thighs?
Well, unfortunately, most fat loss “hacks” are really just ways for powder and pill pushers to line their pockets at your expense.
But alas! There’s a science, research, and experience-based change you can make to your nutrition to help you move that fat loss needle! FIBER!
What is Calorie Cycling & Can It Help With Fat Loss?
Do you lose 1 lb Monday-Friday and gain 3 Saturday and Sunday? Try this…
Can You Still Lose Fat & Get Healthy With Early Onset Menopause? - Malinda's Story
My weight was creeping up, my strength and mobility were going down, and I just felt awful about myself. I found out during this time that I was going through menopause. Even with my background in exercise and nutrition, I was lost. I even went to my doctor for advice and he told me that I just have to expect to feel like crap at my age. I am only 41. I finally bit the bullet one evening when I had finally had enough with my now post-menopause symptoms, my weight gain, and the bad habits I had continued to make excuses for. I sent Digital Barbell an email and then cried.
Fat Loss Grocery List
While the most important factor for fat loss is food quantity, that doesn’t mean there aren’t foods in the store that can help you stay on track. Think of these suggestions as a starting place that you can customize based on your preferences.
Paying Attention to Protein? This Will Help.
Did your nutrition coach encourage you to start paying attention to how much protein you’re eating? (wink wink) Here are some commonly eaten foods we see and how much protein they have in them.
Are Milk Substitutes as Healthy As Real Milk? - Oat Milk, Almond Milk, Soy Milk, Cashew Milk...
Are you drinking Oat Milk, Almond Milk, Cashew Milk, Soy Milk or any of the other Milk substitutes? Do you think they’re about the same nutritionally as Cow’s Milk since they’ve got the word “Milk” in the name? You’d be wrong! Keep reading!