How To Lower The Calories In Your Coffee & Lose Weight


Coach Hayley here! I’m a bit of a coffee snob these days. You too?

Normally I like fresh black coffee, but I do like to switch it up sometimes.

For my friends who load their coffees up with a bunch of creamer and sugar, this one’s for you!

First off, I’m not telling you that you cannot have creamer in your coffee. You certainly can!

But if you find that you’re putting in a ton of extra flavorings and sugar, it may be adding up to more calories than you thought.

If you’re like me I would much rather eat my calories instead of drinking them.

Check out these fun ideas that you might not have thought about.

2 of them are even high protein so… #winning

I posted a tub of protein because if you have a hand frother, you can mix half a scoop with a splash of milk. It’s like a latte! (Or you could just use a shaker bottle and mix it before putting it in)

Let me know if you try any of these ☕️

BONUS! - Here are some tips for ordering out at places like Starbucks.

Chances are, your fancy ass coffee could be pushing 200-400 calories (😱)

But instead of depriving yourself from your “treat yoself drink” we can make better swaps.

1. Ask for the “skinny version”. This usually means no whip, a lighter milk choice and no syrup drizzle on top. Not a big difference in taste, and that alone will save you a ton of extra calories and carbs
2. Ask for fewer flavor pumps. If you usually get a venti that might have 6 pumps just ask for 2-3 instead. You can also get sugar free syrups
3. Always get a water with your coffee. This one is just great for staying hydrated and now you have water while you run errands. Boom!

I hope these tips helped and you give some a try 🙌🏼

If you’re interested in a bit more, try our free calorie and macro-nutrient calculator!

All my best,

Coach Hayley


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