What Should You Do If You Hit a Weight Loss Plateau

You decided you want to get in shape. To lose some weight, burn some fat and turn things around.

You’re trying to do the right things, eat all of the “good” things and avoid the “bad” things.

You’re super motivated at first and the results are coming in hot!

Until they aren’t.

The scale hasn’t moved in a week and you’re frustrated.

You’re questioning life.

Maybe you’re on the wrong program?

Maybe you’ve plateaud?

It’s probably a thyroid problem right? Maybe you need a prescription for bio-identical hormones?

Could it be that you’re producing too much insulin and that’s stopping you from losing fat?

Probably not (to all of these).

Statistically speaking, you’re probably not a special snowflake and it’s more likely that you’re experiencing one of the 7 situations in the second category below.


Here’s the deal.

If your goal is fat loss, you need to be paying attention to how many calories you’re eating.

It doesn’t matter how “clean” you eat, you need to be eating LESS calories than you’re burning for an extended period. (weeks, not hours)

The calories in those gluten free, paleo cookies count the same as the calories in Oreo’s.

Are you licking off the extra peanut butter on the knife after you make your sammich? Yeah, those calories count too.

Do you grab a few extra chips because you burned 400 calories according to your watch?

The truth is that if you’re not losing weight, things like these are most likely to blame.

Out of the hundreds of people we’ve worked with, it’s the rare exception that someone’s metabolism is the smoking gun.

Thyroid dysfunction is a real thing but it’s also very rare and almost never the reason that you’re not making progress.

What about insulin? Did you hear that it makes you store fat? Insulin is just the messenger when it comes to fat storage. If you aren’t eating too many calories, insulin doesn’t have anything to do with your long term progress.

I know what you’re thinking… My friend cut carbs and lost a ton!

That might very well be. But do you know why a low carb diet can cause weight loss? What happens when you go back to eating carbs?

These things matter so we’d suggest learning a little before you go on an all sausage diet.

The bottom line is that we want you to be successful whether we get to coach you or not.

There’s enough free information here on this website for you to do just about anything you want with your training and nutrition.

But the three things you have to bring to the table are consistency, honesty and patience.

If you’d like a coach to help guide you in your journey, reach out here.

If you’ve ever wondered how many calories are right for you? We have you covered with our free calorie and macronutrient calculator. Grab it HERE.


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