Nutrition Blakley Bonds Nutrition Blakley Bonds

The Sources of Protein You Should Be Focused On

You see, not all protein is created equal.

We want protein and its amino acids for its anabolic, muscle building properties.

Sometimes you’ll heard this referenced as it’s “bioavailability”

Not all amino acids actually trigger those building processes.

Today, we remove the confusion and explain it all!

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Nutrition Blakley Bonds Nutrition Blakley Bonds

What To Eat When You Get Hungry At Night

For some of us it’s pretty easy to have a solid day of nutrition… until the old late night cravings kick in. Maybe for you it’s dark chocolate, ice cream or a couple bowls of sugary cereal.

Unfortunately our bodies don’t have a way to ignore those calories and they can pretty quickly add up to a few hundred if not more.

Here’s a little trick/recipe you can use next time you get a hankering for something sweet at night.

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Nutrition Blakley Bonds Nutrition Blakley Bonds

The Facts on Insulin, Insulin Sensitivity and How To Avoid Diabetes

Insulin: Is it a scapegoat or the real smoking gun in fat storage.

When you eat, your body secrets insulin.It’s a hormone that acts as a messenger telling those nutrients in the blood where to go.That includes telling fatty acids to get into our fat cells.

But that’s not the end of the story.

Our relationship with insulin is more complicated and has high stakes when it comes to our overall health. If you ignore your relationship and sensitivity to insulin, you’re putting yourself at risk for Pre-diabetes and even Type II diabetes.

The good news is that for most people these conditions are completely preventable and even reversible.

Learn all about insulin and what you need to be doing to keep your relationship with insulin in check.

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Fitness + Training Blakley Bonds Fitness + Training Blakley Bonds

How To Use Full Range of Motion To Avoid Injury and Build The Most Strength

Assuming you are healthy and able, we want (and insist on) you moving through FULL RANGES OF MOTION for each of your exercises.

But why?

Why do I insist on seeing video after video, making even the smallest corrections to your form?

I want to make sure you are moving WELL, SAFELY & EFFICIENTLY through the proper, full RANGE OF MOTION (ROM).

Moving through the full range of motion with good form develops strength in both your muscles & connective tissue. It helps build bigger, stronger, balanced muscles. Moving through the full range of motion also helps keep you safe by engaging the proper muscles in the proper order.

Let’s take a look at a few exercises, the proper ranges of motions for them and why.

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Fitness + Training Blakley Bonds Fitness + Training Blakley Bonds

The Importance of Intensity in Your Workouts and How to Use it Safely

INTENSITY is what drives our progress and results.

How heavy were your weights, how many reps did you do, how long did it take you?

These are all direct expressions of our intensity (or power).

This is also why your coach (wink wink) asks to see these metrics and wants you to keep track as well.

What results are we shooting for?

Well, what are your goals? Are you looking for changes to your body composition? Are you training for an event? Are you trying to run a 5 minute mile?

Adding intensity to your workouts is what will move you closer and closer to that goal.

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