How to Avoid Sickness & Dependence on Others

Fitness is your work capacity measured across various tasks and time domains.

Heath, is in turn, extending that capacity across your entire life.

If we looked at our health on a spectrum from “Sickness” to “Wellness” to “Fitness”, where would we lie?

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There are 4 accepted models for measuring one’s fitness. They are:

  • How fit are you across the 10 General Physical Skills

  • How well can you perform any physical task life throws at you?

  • How developed is your fitness across each of the three metabolic pathways?

  • Where do your health markers stand i.e. blood pressure, body fat, bone density, triglycerides, cholesterol, muscle mass?

The more we improve in each, the further we move up the line towards fitness.

The closer we are to “Fitness”, the further we are from “Sickness”.

So, what does this mean for you and I?

We all understand what it means to look at our health markers and find where we fall on a chart.

Is our blood pressure where it should be?

What does our body fat look like?

How is our cholesterol doing?

What about the metabolic pathways?

The three metabolic pathways are Phosphagen (100% effort, sprints), Glycolytic (70% effort, around 2:00) and Oxidative (40% effort, ongoing).

Is our training balanced to improve us across all three?

Can we sprint?

Can we push through a workout of about 10-15 minutes and keep moving?

Can we go long for 20 minutes or more?

Let’s take a look at the 10 General Physical Skills. How competent are we in each?

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Endurance, stamina, strength and flexibility are improved organically through training

The results are measurable. 

Can you move through workouts faster? 

Can you lift more weight?

Can you now touch your toes? 

Coordination, agility, balance and accuracy are improved through changes in our nervous system through practice

Have you been practicing and you can now perform 10 double unders in a row?  

Power and speed are improved both by training and by practice

Have you practiced the skill of the power clean with light weights to develop the coordination of the movement and then used a linear progression to increase your strength in the movement?   


We want for you a fitness that brings you further away from sickness for as long as possible.


In life we do not always know what is next.

If my health markers are where they should be, if I can jump over a fence if I need to, if I can sprint or go for a one hour hike without much affect on my body, if I am strong and fast, flexible and powerful, accurate and agile…

I am closer to fitness and thus further from sickness.

If my health markers are nearing dangerous zones, if pulling myself out of a body of water and into a boat to save my life would be a nearly impossible task, if I cannot enjoy the freedom to explore nature without tiring, if I cannot squat properly or push myself up off the ground…

I am closer to sickness and thus further from fitness.

This is not about aesthetics… this is about your life.

Take charge, TODAY.

No matter where you are starting from right now, you can begin to make changes in your life that matter right now and will matter in the years and years to come.

If you need any help, reach out!


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