Nutrition Blakley Bonds Nutrition Blakley Bonds

How To Transition Off of Intermittent Fasting Without Gaining Weight (step by step)

Even heard of Intermittent Fasting (IF)? Maybe you’ve even used it or are using it now as a tool for fat loss.

Let’s remind ourselves about the basics of IF, what it’s benefits are, what it’s potential drawbacks are and how to successfully transition back to eating on a non time restricted schedule without re-gaining any weight that you’ve lost.

To start we need to get a quick refresher on what IF is.

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Nutrition Blakley Bonds Nutrition Blakley Bonds

What is "Tracking Macros", and How To Use It To Lose Fat & Gain Muscle

If you want to take control of your nutrition and get serious about fat loss or building muscle there’s really no better way than tracking macros.

If you’ve been on the interwebs in the last few years and googled anything about nutrition you’ve probably seen the term “MACROS” OR “MACRONUTRIENTS” pop up.

Maybe you rushed out to Whole Foods and headed straight for the Macronutrient aisle so you could start taking advantage of this new superfood for fat loss! Sadly, you couldn’t find a bag of macros, but you found this article and that’s even better!

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Nutrition Blakley Bonds Nutrition Blakley Bonds

What Snack Bars Have The Best Taste, Calories, Protein, Carbohydrates and Fat?

You know grabbing a candy bar isn’t the right option, so you head to the snack bar aisle in the store.

There you stand, under the bright LED lights overhead completely overwhelmed by the sea of choices.

Should you get the plant based protein bar?

Is the paleo one healthy?

Maybe it’s like wine and you just pick one with a cool looking label?

Well, the fact is, some of them taste like dirt, some have a ton of calories and some of them are trying to trick you into thinking you’re eating less calories than you really are.

We pulled 10 different snack bars off the shelf and we’re tasting, looking at the labels and giving you our opinion of which are “best” and which ones to avoid.

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Nutrition Blakley Bonds Nutrition Blakley Bonds

How To Avoid Regaining The Weight After a Diet - Metabolism Explained

The majority of our nutrition coaching clients have an overall goal to be healthier and to lose some body fat.  Let's talk about why it's so hard sometimes.

Today we are going to dig in to some of the specifics of fat loss.

What exactly is happening when we lose weight?  Why does it happen?  How come it happens differently for everyone?  How come formulas don’t always work for calculating how much to eat to lose fat? Why is it so easy to regain fat after the diet ends?  By the time you finish reading this you’ll have the answers to these questions and you’ll be better prepared should you set off on your own fat loss journey. 

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