Use Your Hand as a Guide For Portions - Get Enough Protein, Carbs and Fat Per Meal

If you’re trying to improve your health, lose weight or just learn what a balanced meal looks like, you’ve come to the right place.

Do you have a hand on the end of your arm? You’re in luck! Even if you don’t you’ve probably seen one and that’s good enough!

Here’s how to use your hand to build a meal that has a balanced portion of protein, carbohydrates (both starchy carbs and non-starchy carbs and fat) without weighing and measuring the ingredients.

Ladies, look at your hand, palm up 💁‍♀️.

→ Eat a source of protein like meat the size and thickness of your palm every meal. This would be an average sized chicken breast or about 4 eggs for example.

Now cup your hand like it’s holding water.  

→ Eat about that much fruit or starchy carbs like rice, bread, potatoes, or pasta. That’s NOT a whole plate covered in spaghetti.

Now make a fist.  

→ Eat about that much vegetables per meal. You are eating your veggies right?!?

Now look at your thumb.  

Eat about that much fat like nuts, oils or avocado. Don’t forget about the fat that’s in your meat and cooking oils.

For any of the men reading this thinking “YEAH RIGHT!!! I’LL STARVE!”. Don’t worry, you can double all of that per meal! 🤲

Now you have a starting place for a balanced meal.  

If you’ve “tried it all” when it comes to diet and nutrition and feel like nothin’s workin’, why not talk with us about 1 on 1 nutrition coaching?

Learn how to eat in a way you love that can not only help you reach your goals, but can become a sustainable lifestyle.

Reach out here today!

Jonathan & Blakley


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