Fitness + Training, Nutrition Blakley Bonds Fitness + Training, Nutrition Blakley Bonds

Can You Build Muscle Without Gaining Fat? Lean Bulking is The Answer!

Do you want to pack on some serious strength and muscle mass? Then you need to “BULK”! The problem is, if you don’t do it the right way you might just end up wasting a bunch of time and end up gaining more fat than muscle. But we aren’t going to let that happen. You’ll learn everything you need to know in this article about how to bulk without gaining extra fat, the best exercises and how to train while bulking, and how to set your calories, protein, carbs and fat to make the most of your bulk. Let’s go!

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Nutrition Blakley Bonds Nutrition Blakley Bonds

How To Transition Off of Intermittent Fasting Without Gaining Weight (step by step)

Even heard of Intermittent Fasting (IF)? Maybe you’ve even used it or are using it now as a tool for fat loss.

Let’s remind ourselves about the basics of IF, what it’s benefits are, what it’s potential drawbacks are and how to successfully transition back to eating on a non time restricted schedule without re-gaining any weight that you’ve lost.

To start we need to get a quick refresher on what IF is.

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Nutrition Blakley Bonds Nutrition Blakley Bonds

What is "Tracking Macros", and How To Use It To Lose Fat & Gain Muscle

If you want to take control of your nutrition and get serious about fat loss or building muscle there’s really no better way than tracking macros.

If you’ve been on the interwebs in the last few years and googled anything about nutrition you’ve probably seen the term “MACROS” OR “MACRONUTRIENTS” pop up.

Maybe you rushed out to Whole Foods and headed straight for the Macronutrient aisle so you could start taking advantage of this new superfood for fat loss! Sadly, you couldn’t find a bag of macros, but you found this article and that’s even better!

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Nutrition Blakley Bonds Nutrition Blakley Bonds

Use Your Hand as a Guide For Portions - Get Enough Protein, Carbs and Fat Per Meal

If you’re trying to improve your health, lose weight or just learn what a balanced meal looks like, you’ve come to the right place.

Do you have a hand on the end of your arm? You’re in luck! Even if you don’t you’ve probably seen one and that’s good enough!

Here’s how to use your hand to build a meal that has a balanced portion of protein, carbohydrates (both starchy carbs and non-starchy carbs and fat) without weighing and measuring the ingredients.

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Nutrition Blakley Bonds Nutrition Blakley Bonds

26 Healthy Foods You Can Buy On A Budget

As it stands, after housing, most Americans spend more money on food than anything else in their budget.  

According to the Bureau of Labor, the average household spends about $8,000 on food in 2018.  (about $3,500 of that was spent at restaurants and the rest was spent at the grocery store).  

Any way you slice it, it’s a lot of money.  

The cost of food increases slightly year after year and as a culture we are eating out at restaurants more and more.

It’s no secret that making your own food at home is substantially cheaper than buying it already prepared from a restaurant.   But even within the walls of the supermarket there are a lot of choices that an affect your grocery budget bottom line.

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Nutrition Blakley Bonds Nutrition Blakley Bonds

How To Read Food Nutrition Labels

Food packaging is ridiculous. Companies know that we have short attention spans and that we’re on a mission to look for healthy options.

Often they use these facts to confuse and mislead us by plastering the front of the package with buzzwords and bolt font highlighting things that we believe to be “healthy” all while hiding the ugly truth.

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Nutrition Blakley Bonds Nutrition Blakley Bonds

Is Sugar Bad? Is Fruit Bad? How Much Sugar Should I Eat Per Day? Here we go!

Let’s talk about sugar.

The average American can easily consume over 200g of sugar a day. Thats about 150g over the recommended daily dose for a healthy, exercising person. A sedentary and inactive person should actually consume even less. Have you ever looked at your sugar intake in a day? It can be eye opening and worth the effort. Use an app like MyFitnessPal to look up foods that you consume throughout the entire day and keep track of the total grams of sugar. You’ll not only get the number of grams that you ate but from this list you can also identify which foods contain the most sugar should you need to work on eliminating or substituting certain foods.

What happens when we eat too much sugar?

The main issue here is fat storage but not FROM the sugar but BECAUSE OF the sugar.

Here’s why:

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