If you’ve been training for any length of time you’ve no doubt noticed that your hands take a beating. Barbells, dumbbells, pull up bars… they can leave you with calluses that can eventually tear off.
We’ve tried many things to take care of our hands and here is what has worked best.
Keeping up with your calluses regularly by sanding them with either a file or pumice stone a couple times per week helps keep a good balance of having the callus for protection and letting it build up so big that it tears off.
Most drug stores sell a file made for hands that has a metal sander that’s contoured to fit the fingers. We like to use this on dry hands. We also keep a small pumice stone in the shower that’s great for working on bigger calluses while they are wet.
It doesn’t take much. Just a few seconds a couple times a week.
It’s worth it! Give it a shot.