5 Things to Expect When you Start Watching your Diet

If you are just embarking on starting to watch what you eat, here is what you can expect as you begin the process.

1. Consumption between meals

Once you’re really paying attention, you’ll probably be shocked just how much food is consumed between meals.  Whether it’s a muffin at the office, a handful of nuts as you walk by the kitchen, or a bowl of ice cream before bed, these “snacks” add up and add to our total daily intake.

2. Calories in foods

Before too long in this process you’ll start flipping over food packages and looking at the labels.  More times than not you’ll be pretty darn shocked at two things:  1) how small the recommended servings are and 2) how many calories those foods have in them.

Good Rule of Thumb: Pretty much everything that comes in a package has more calories than unpackaged foods. 

3. Cravings

Sorry, but it is true.  When you decide to start cutting out foods that don’t align with your goals, you’re going to go through a period of cravings.  I can give you some good news though.  It doesn’t last forever, and in fact you’ll eventually crave better foods that do align with your goals. To help out during the process, try to find something to substitute your craving with. For example, if you’re craving ice cream at night, try some yogurt with fruit (just not the frozen kind).

4. You’re going to feel better & have more energy

You know that feeling after a big greasy meal?  The one that just makes you want to lay down and go to sleep? That doesn’t happen once you start feeding your body with the foods it was made for in the quantities that work for your goals. Energy stays high, and digestion is normal. We purposely help our clients make slow consistent progress vs. unsustainable “crash” results. You’re going to like this feeling. 

5. Your body changes

It’s much easier to eat a balanced diet once you make the decision to eat smart and do it consistently.  Giving your body what it wants will lead to improvements not only in the way you feel, but in the way your body looks.  It’s hard to overeat whole foods like veggies and lean protein which can often lead to fat loss without even tracking food quantities (calories) carefully.

Remember, if you decide to make a change you absolutely can! All you have to do is just start today! Share this with a friend who might be ready to begin!




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