Fixing Your Posture From Working at a Desk



If you're stuck sitting at a desk or behind the wheel of a car most of the day you've probably developed some poor posture along the way.  More specifically you’ve probably got, tight hips and a rounded over upper back and shoulders.

Get up out of your chair every hour and spend a minute in these two stretches.  Find a wall and stand facing it about 3 feet away . Place your palms on the wall at shoulder height.  Keep your arms straight and press your head and chest downward through your arms.  For the hip stretch, stand facing away from the wall and get down on one knee.  Place the top of the foot (the one that has the knee on the ground) on the wall and try to raise your chest up parallel to the wall.  You should feel this stretch in the front of your leg and hip.

Doing these simple stretches can go a long way to proper posture and mobile joints.




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