DOUBLES + Lunges


DOUBLES + Lunges

5 Rounds for time:

30 Double Unders (or 60 Single Unders) 

10 Front Rack Step Back Lunges 

Today, we’ll get our hearts beating and our legs shaking.  A double under is an advanced jump rope movement where the rope passes under your feet twice for every jump.  If we aren’t quite there yet we’ll do 60 single under jumps instead. 

Before you start, measure your jump rope by stepping with one foot in the center of the rope and extending the handles.  The handles should hit right about at your arm pits.  When performing either the double or single unders, keep your arms close to your side and try to spin the rope using mostly your wrists (not your entire arm).  Keep your jumps light by bouncing mainly on your toes.  

For the lunges, hold the dumbbells at your shoulders and step back into the lunge.  Your knee should lightly contact the ground each rep.  As you stand back up, pull yourself back up with your front leg by pushing through your heel. Pick out a pair of dumbbells that will challenge you as you get to rep 7 or 8 of each round. 

Get warm, get ready, and then it's 3,2,1 GO!

If you have any questions, don’t hesitate to ask!

We hope you enjoy Digital Barbell!  A product of Triat CrossFit




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