Nutrition Blakley Bonds Nutrition Blakley Bonds

How To Transition Off of Intermittent Fasting Without Gaining Weight (step by step)

Even heard of Intermittent Fasting (IF)? Maybe you’ve even used it or are using it now as a tool for fat loss.

Let’s remind ourselves about the basics of IF, what it’s benefits are, what it’s potential drawbacks are and how to successfully transition back to eating on a non time restricted schedule without re-gaining any weight that you’ve lost.

To start we need to get a quick refresher on what IF is.

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Fitness + Training, Nutrition Blakley Bonds Fitness + Training, Nutrition Blakley Bonds

Is Fasted Cardio Good For Fat Loss?

Are you looking for a short cut to fat loss or a way to squeeze every little drop out of every detail in your journey to get lean?

If you are, you’ve probably heard the term “fasted cardio”.

Is fasted cardio the “hack” that you need to be doing to shed that extra fat?

Is it the key thing that you’re not doing that could help you make more progress with your weight loss?

Or is it just another myth that you shouldn’t let distract you from the basics of fat loss?

Let’s dig in and find out.

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Nutrition Blakley Bonds Nutrition Blakley Bonds

Is Intermittent Fasting Good For Weight Loss?

Is Intermittent Fasting the missing piece in your fat loss journey? Read on to find out...

All good contractors have access to the different tools that might be needed to get the job done well. If the craftsman (or woman) knows what they’re doing they don’t just randomly grab a tool from the toolbox and use it for every task regardless of what they’re doing.

The same goes for us as nutrition coaches.

We deal with real people in the real world and no two people are exactly the same. That’s why we have to have different tools available to us to use.

Intermittent Fasting is one of those tools in our toolbox.

Lately there are a few “trends” in the weight loss space. Maybe you’ve tried this one for yourself or you know someone who is currently doing it.

We’re talking about intermittent fasting or I.F.

If you have a friend who’s had success with I.F. there’s a good chance they’ve told you that it will work for you.

Let’s dig in today to the topic and discuss :

  • What exactly I.F. is and isn’t.

  • Potential benefits and overblown claims.

  • What you should know if you want to give it a try.

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How To Avoid Gaining Weight On Vacation

Six weeks into the new ‘YOU’ and your summer vacay hits. You’ve been hitting your workouts consistently, eating well consistently and not giving into the sweet temptations that you used to.

Don’t let a vacation destroy you and cause you to return further behind then when you left.

INSTEAD… vacation like a pro by having a blast all the while using self control along the way.

Think about this…

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