7 Training Goals To Tackle Before 2025

Consistency in anything we do requires discipline.

Discipline makes us stronger, mentally.

Mental strength is reflected in how we react to the daily stresses all around us.

Crushing a goal, completing a task, following through on a promise makes us tougher humans.

We recently recorded a podcast about 7 goals to crush before 2025.  If you are up for a challenge to take you through the end of the year, to start 2025 with momentum, to be an example for those around you that are watching you… join us!

Pick 1 (up to all 7) of the goals on the list.  We’ve provided some notes on how to record your baseline, and how to implement each goal into your weekly schedule.

👉Tracking this goal is on YOU but we’ll be checking in on you from time to time.  Let your coach know if you are in, which goal or goals you want to tackle and let’s do this together!


  1. Get your FIRST strict pull-up or chin-up or get MORE consecutive full range of motion pull-ups and chin-ups. #andthecrowdgoeswild

  2. Increase the number of push-ups you can do in a row, or go from scaled push-ups on your knees, to push-ups on your toes. #andthecrowdcontinuestogowild

  3. Improve Your Mile Run Time.

  4. Pick a muscle group to grow.

  5. Strength Train (Do Digital Barbell) Consistently 3 + Times Per Week for the rest of the year (don’t miss more than 3 workouts until NYE).

  6. Do Something Hard Every Week (or something you aren't good at, or something you don't like to do).

  7. Average 70k Steps Every Week For The Rest Of The Year.



Get your FIRST strict pull-up or chin-up or get MORE pull-ups and chin-ups.


How many strict (dead hang to chin over bar without jumping off of the floor) pull ups or chin ups can you do today?

If you are doing banded pull ups or chin ups, how many can you do and what band strength are you using?


Add 1 to 2 pull-up workouts from the list below each week.  This can be before or after your DB workout, or on a rest day.   


3 x :10 to :30 Chin Over Bar Hangs

* Continue to add time as you do this workout until you can get ~:30 per hang!


3 x 5 Scap Pull-ups

* Scap pulls teach us how to activate our lats.  When you hang from the bar, don’t forget to be in a hollow body/active position.


3 x 3 Eccentric pull ups

* NOTE: Only do eccentric pull-ups if you can complete a chin over bar hang for about :20 seconds or more.

  • Use a box to start at the top of the pull up bar so you don’t add fatigue before beginning the eccentric phase.  Slowly lower yourself down trying to slow yourself down at each point.

  • Continue to add time (making the eccentric slower and slower) each time you complete this workout up to about :08 eccentric descent.


3 x 10 to15 Inverted Rows

* Note where your feet are placed and try to get more horizontal as strength builds.


Body Building Finisher:

3-5 Sets of

10 Reverse Flys

12 Dumbbell Curls

15 to 20 Face Pulls

Rest as needed after each set and then back to it!

* Do this one on a day we don’t have curls in the DB workout


3 x 10 to 15 Dumbbell rows per side

  • Do these on a day we don’t have dumbbell rows in our workout

  • Add weight once you can do 3x15 each side with great form


3 MAX REPS of Banded Pull Ups

  • Even if you have a few strict pull-ups, using a band helps you build strength and volume.

  • Reduce your band tension once you can do 10+ in a row for all 3 sets.


Increase the number of push-ups you can do in a row, or go from scaled push-ups on your knees, to push-ups on your toes.


How many and what type of push ups can you do in a row today?

-> Don’t forget the Push Up Points of Performance!

  • Hips and shoulders rise at the same time

  • Elbows in about 45 degrees

  • Lay complete on the floor each rep (check and thighs touch the ground)

  • Plank position to complete your rep


Step 1: Do your Digital Barbell general warm up every day you work out.  They almost always contain push ups.

Step 2: On the days you don’t work out, do 3 sets of 5 to 15 push up (how ever many can do in a row with perfect form).

Step 3: Continue to build the number of push ups you are doing in a row.


Improve Your Mile Run Time


What is your mile time today?  Be sure to include notes about where you are running (treadmill, speed, street, are there hills, etc).


Step 1: Do your DB workouts.  They contain plenty of strength work which is needed to strengthen those legs.

Step 2: Add 1 of the following running workouts to your week for the rest of the year. You can do this on a separate day than when you normal workout or after your DB workout.


Run 1.5 to 3 miles at a pace you can sustain for the duration.  Try to increase your pace as you are able.   


25 to 30+ minute zone 2 work.  The goal is to find a sustained pace you can keep for the duration.

To calculate your approximate Zone 2 heart rate if you don’t wear a watch that will do it for you, use the formula below:
220 - Age = Approx Max Heart Rate
Approx Max Heart Rate * .65 = zone 2 rate

If you don’t wear a heart rate monitor, aim to keep your pace at a level that would make a conversation possible, but choppy.



4 Rounds of:

Run 400m

Walk 200m

The goal here is to keep moving for the duration of the 4 rounds.


Run 1 mile for time

* Do this one about once per month to test that mile time.  Don’t forget to record where you ran (treadmill or street) and the conditions.


Pick a muscle group to grow.


Take a measurement at the largest part of THAT muscle (the one you want to grow), un-flexed.


Do DB workouts consistently.  Add 1-2 more sets of volume per week when we hit that muscle group (i.e. Is your goal growing your biceps?  When we hit curls build up to doing 5 sets instead of 3 sets each week.

Re-measure every 4 weeks.


Strength train consistency 3 or more times per week.


In the last month, how many workouts have you hit consistently?


Aim to miss less than 3 workouts the rest of the year ‼️

True Coach keeps track but you can also add your workout days and times to your personal calendar to keep you on track and to plan for any times you may have to re-arrange you schedule to hit the gym.


Do something hard, or something you aren’t good at, or something you don’t want to do … every week.


Honor system… but write this down for yourself!  Note each week what you did that  was hard, what you did that you didn’t want to do, what you did that you weren’t good at.


  • Are you struggling with your squat form?  Work on some Squat Therapy this week in your warm up?

  • Do you hate burpees.  Do a set of 10 in your warm up this week.  (Even if they aren’t programmed)

  • Are you really bad at the Dumbbell Snatch?  If you see it pop up in your workout, spend 10 minutes practicing your form with our Dumbbell Snatch (how to) video on YouTube and then take that workout HEAD ON!


Average 70k steps for the rest of the year. 

That equals 10K per day, but by going for a weekly instead of daily average we don’t get defeated if we miss a day.  Instead, we can use it as an opportunity to make up the steps we missed earlier in the week.

There is nothing magic about the 10k number but it’s a number that doesn’t happen by accident.  We have to be intentional about getting our steps in to hit this average each week.


Track your steps daily steps, and at the end of each week get the average by totaling each day up and dividing by 7.

We've got a FREE 5-Week Supplemental Muscle Size and Strength program if you aren’t a current DB Client and want to see what we are all about! This program is all about adding SIZE if you are currently doing group fitness classes but aren’t seeing results. Click below to check it out!


The Digital Barbell 5-Week Supplemental Muscle Strength & Size Program


Thanks for reading! Check out the accompanying podcast on YouTube, Apple, or Spotify.


P.S. - If you’d like to learn more about working with us, click the button below and we’ll tell you your options.


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