Back Squat

3 sets of 5 reps  

Incline Bench Press

3 sets of 5 reps 

Overhead Barbell Press

3 sets of 8 reps 


3 sets of 5 reps 

For the back squats, bench press and overhead press use about 80% of your 1 rep max.  The last rep should be a challenge, but not an all out grinder.  

For the Deadlift use 80-85% of your 1 rep max.  If your max is upward of 300-lbs skew toward the 80% side.  

➡️Rest fully between sets in order to give a full effort.  

The reason we are working in these rep ranges and loads is because we are training for strength using these compound movements. Compound movements use multiple joints, large amounts of muscle and they can be done safely with a barbell that can be incrementally loaded as you get stronger. When you’re training for strength it’s important to challenge yourself and to add weight to the bar over time.   

If your goal is fat loss and you aren’t including weight training in your program you’re missing out big time.  

Not only does resistance training burn a ton of calories, it’s the best way to pack on lean mass (muscle) that will not only improve your health and physique, but will help you burn more calories over time.  

Burning more calories = losing more fat.   

Grab a barbell, learn the compound lifts from the workout above (let us know if you need help) and get busy melting that fat off! 




You should eat a low-fat diet. Here’s why.