by Blakley Fletcher
What is a de-load week and why do we do them?
A de-load or back off week is a reduction in volume and intensity while still moving each day. Move through your normal work cycle but with a reduction in volume and load. Most often this is done with about 60-70% of your normal load.
A de-load gives your body (and mind) a period to recover from accumulated training stress and allows it time to rebuild and come back stronger.
At my CrossFit gym, we just finished 5 strong weeks of competition doing the CrossFit Open. ‘Competing’ we challenged our nervous system and performed at a higher level so we want to now give our bodies time to recover and re-build.
Following your de-load week expect to come back feeling strong, refreshed and more powerful. You’ll be ready to attack whatever workout comes your way!
As always, let us know if you have any questions.