

Nutrition can be made to be very complicated. Many times "experts and gurus" come out with complex diets for the main purpose of selling you something that they make you believe you can't do on your own.  We are here to simplify things for you.

You have probably heard the saying "shop mostly the perimeter of the grocery store".  We absolutely agree with that, and let's talk about why.  Remember our post on protein?  We recommend eating about a gram of protein per lb that you weigh.  The best sources of protein we know about are the meats and seafood you find around the perimeter of the store.  Try to get 20-40g of protein per meal.  What else do you need in a meal? Carbs!  Guess what else is on the perimeter of the store? The veggies! It's just about impossible to eat too many veggies. They are a fantastic single ingredient food.  You can pile your plate with vegetables and not accumulate many calories.  How about single ingredient fat sources around the edges of the store?  Eggs, milk, yogurt, nuts, seeds and avocados!  

Back to the big picture though... If you can avoid processed foods that come in boxes, frozen foods and pre-packaged beverages you are going to cut out almost all of the calorically dense foods that lead most people to fat gain.  Single ingredient foods are largely nutrient dense and lower calorie than their processed counterparts.  

Try this.  Next time you go to the store, walk the entire perimeter getting as creative as you can before head down the aisles. 

Let us know if you have any questions!


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