Does Meal Timing Matter?



We are big advocates for mastering the basics before moving on to the more nuanced strategies for optimizing health and performance.

If you aren’t getting 7+ hours of sleep, eating mostly whole foods and managing stress in your life, you should start there.  You’ll see more improvements in all aspects of life from tackling those than focusing on things like how many grams of fat to eat before bed.

Let’s say all of those things are on point and you are looking for a way to squeeze the most juice out of your workouts and body composition.  Here is the strategy we use.  As we’ve discussed before, our bodies love to use carbs for energy.  We store glycogen in our muscles and liver and our bodies tap into it when we are working out. We like to sandwich about 40% of our daily carbs before and after our workouts.  Carbs are digested more quickly than fat, so we try to limit fat intake just before and after workouts.  If large quantities of fat are eaten with those pre and post workout carbs, it makes it harder for our bodies to use the carbs quickly.

If you’ve never paid attention to what you’re eating before and after your workouts, give it a shot and see if you can feel the difference! We sure can!

If you have questions about nutrition or need help setting up your fitness plan, please reach out to us!


