

Tag a friend who has tried ALL the diets.

Keto, Intermittent Fasting, IIFYM, Low Carb, High Carb, Atkins, South Beach, Weight Watchers, The Mediterranean diet, The Zone Diet, Paleo, Nutrisystem… The list goes on and on.  

What do they all have in common? They all work for weight loss! Yes, you heard me right.  They all work! There’s a catch right? Of course there is! They work for weight loss as long as you are eating less calories than you are burning and you do it consistently for a LONG time.  

And that last part right there is where almost all diets fail.  Most of us can eat at a caloric deficit for a short time while we are “on a diet”, but we can’t do it consistently or maintain the special requirements of the diet we are following long term.  That lack of long term consistency is what leads to “yo-yo” dieting characterized by initial weight loss and then a re-gain of that weight plus more usually.

So what is the answer?  We like to say that the best diet is one that you can stick to LONG TERM.  That doesn’t mean that you always need to be at a caloric deficit, but you need to find a way of eating that can become a lifestyle.  That pretty much eliminates most “fad” diets that are quite extreme.   The chances of eating under 30g of carbs every day for the next 10 years is pretty unlikely.  The same goes for fasting for 12 hours daily.  

Through trial and error we have found a sustainable way to eat that helps us reach our health, fitness and aesthetic goals that is now our lifestyle.  We like the foods we eat because they make us feel good.  They are pretty darn tasty too.  

If your goal is fat loss, look up a TDEE calculator online.  Start tracking your caloric intake in an app like myfitnesspal and play with foods that you like to meet your goals.  We recommend eating about 10-15% under your TDEE calories for fat loss. For more info on setting goals for protein, carbohydrates and fat, scroll back to our previous nutrition posts.  

You can do this!


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