Is It Good To Have Cheat Meals When Dieting?


CHEATING | Why and How

If you've been dieting for a couple months you've probably been encouraged by the way things have changed in the mirror and on the scale.  It's no secret that consistency is the thing that keeps the progress coming.  Consistent discipline is the hardest part though, and if your progress has slowed or stalled you might want to throw in the towel.  

Don't do it.  Let's talk about doing a "re-feed" day instead.  Choosing a day every two weeks to eat at a caloric surplus can serve a few different functions.  It can curb the desire to binge while you're dieting, it can boost hormone levels responsible for metabolism and satiety and the added calories can bring new life to your workouts.  

Generally, we recommend eating about 25% more than usual on these days.  Don't add much more fat to your meals, but instead skew toward carbohydrates and protein.   Choose foods that make you feel good, and not just "splurge" foods.  

Before you know it you'll break through those plateaus and be dropping fat again. 


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