
IT STARTS WITH Nutrition (Part 5)

Getting Specific

We've talked about general ways to start making improvements in your daily nutrition.  Now let's talk about what it looks like to take it up a notch.  Our body weight is controlled by an energy balance called the law of thermodynamics.  This is where calories come in. When we are in a caloric surplus (eat more calories than we burn), our body stores the excess calories.  When we are in a caloric deficit, (eat less calories than we burn) our body burns stored energy (fat) to make up the difference.  By manipulating our caloric intake over time, we can change our body weight.

To summarize, to lose weight we need to be eating less calories than we are burning.  To gain weight, we need to be eating more calories than we are burning.  Everyone's caloric needs are different, but using a TDEE (total daily energy expenditure) calculator online will get you in the ballpark of figuring how many calories your body uses daily.

There are three macronutrients (protein, fat and carbohydrate) that make up calories (along with a whole host of micronutrients).  Proteins contain amino acids and are the building blocks of muscle.  Each gram of protein we eat contains 4 calories.  Fat as a macronutrient plays a vital role in hormone regulation and other bodily functions such as hair and skin health.  Each gram of fat we eat contains 9 calories.  Carbohydrates in our diet are used by our body for energy and brain function.  Each gram of carbohydrate contains 4 calories.

If your goal is fat loss, we recommend eating about 10-15% less than your TDEE daily.  Fat loss is a gradual process and we don't want to make drastic changes.

When eating at a caloric deficit, it's imperative to eat sufficient protein to maintain and build muscle.  Aim to get about 1 - 1.2 grams of protein per pound that you weight each day.  We like to keep fat consumption relatively low at about .25-.35 grams per day per pound of body weight.  Carbohydrates should be at about 1 gram per lb of body weight per day.  This will fuel your workouts while you drop fat.  All of these numbers are estimates.  Everyone is different, and experimentation after consistent adherence is the best way to see what works for you.

Download an app on your phone like MyFitnessPal and start tracking what you eat.  Get a cheap digital food scale too.  We can't stress enough that long-term consistency (not perfection) is what makes this stuff work.  It has to be about gaining knowledge about your body and habit forming.

This is a lot to take in so please reach out if you have questions! 


