MINDSET The Gift of Injury


The Gift of Injury

We work hard to stay injury free.  Whether they happen instant or creep up on us, most of us willl deal with injury sooner or later.   At that time we're faced with a decision that will guide our mindset and progress moving forward.  

The next time you're faced with an injury, look at it as a gift.  A time for you to place a priority on other aspects of your training.  Attack a weakness that you have.  Educate yourself about something you've always been curious about.  Can't squat? Focus on getting your bench press up.  Can't go over head with the barbell? More time to work on your deadlift.

We've both been down this road.  Stay positive.  Focus on the many many things you CAN do while you rehab whatever is ailing you. This could be best thing that has ever happened in your training.




NUTRITION | THE THREE Macronutrients, Protein