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There is a reason we focus our approach to nutrition on creating a sustainable lifestyle for people vs. “going on a diet”.  

Going on a “diet”, causes physical changes to our bodies and it’s metabolic systems that regular our energy usage.  

Ever seen this scenario? Go on a crash diet, lose 20 lbs in 2 months, go off of the diet and gain 30 lbs back in 6 weeks.  Go on another diet, lose 10 lbs in 6 weeks. Go off the diet, gain 20 lbs back in a month.

That works out to a net GAIN of 20 lbs in 6 months of yo-yo dieting. 

When we restrict calories (diet), our bodies do a few things.  The good part is that it uses stored fat for energy.  The not so good things are that it gets more efficient at using the food we do eat.  Meaning, it takes less food to support our functions.  Also, our bodies prepare for the possibility of going “off the diet” and get ready to re-store fat when energy is abundant.

The body is amazingly adaptable and will fight against caloric manipulation to prevent starvation.

So how do we end this counterproductive cycle?

We design a system of nourishment that is free from extremes and that can be sustained over long periods of time with consistency.  

When we want to lose fat, we do it in a sustainable, slow fashion.  When we want to transition away from fat loss, we do it smartly and slowly.

You can stop yo-yo dieting and we can help.  Contact us for 1 on 1 nutrition help.  Only $50/mo. 


