How often should you be working out each part of your body to maximize your potential? Well, it depends on a few things.
It depends what your goal is. Is it maximum size or strength? Is it maximum longevity? Does any particular body part seem weaker than the rest?
Let’s say your goal is maximum size and strength. Studies have shown that signaling a muscle to grow 2-3 times per week is optimal. That growth signal comes through weight training.
One caveat is that you must be able to recover from the training. If you’re a masters competitor or are under eating or under sleeping, this frequency will likely be too much.
If you have a weak or underdeveloped muscle group, try to push the per week frequency to the 3-4x per week range. Again, keeping recovery in mind.
If your goal is overall fitness and longevity, we recommend hitting each muscle group 1-2 times per week.
If you need help with your workout plan, we offer online programs from $20 per month.