Does Keto Really Work For Sustainable Weight Loss?



I bet that got your attention.  I’m not really being serious.  If you’ve read any of our other nutrition posts, you know that we say that just about any “diet” works as long as you eat at a caloric deficit consistently for an extended period of time.

When people ask me about my option of the Ketogenic diet, I usually ask them what their goal is.  Typically the answer is that they want to lose weight.  They really mean “lose fat” since no-one really wants to lose muscle mass.

So does Keto fit the bill for this?  It depends.  Can you make a super low-carb diet your lifestyle for 5-10 years?  I sure couldn’t.  Is performance in the gym important to you? It is to me.  Is maintaining muscle mass important to you?  It is to me and the ketogenic diet doesn’t align with my goals. 

At the end of the day, if your goal is fat loss, you can pick whatever diet you want.  However, the one that you can comply with for a long time will ultimately be the one that works for you.  For us, we prefer a more balanced approach with a mix of Protein, Carbohydrates and Fat.  

Our “diet” isn’t a diet at all.  It’s an easy to maintain lifestyle.  If we want to lose weight, we eat the same foods but in different quantities.  If we want to gain weight, we eat more of the same types of foods.

Sorry if you want a sexier answer than that.  At the end of the day, consistency beats novelty.

If you need help setting up your training or nutrition, reach out to us. 


