How did you do?
Jonathan Jonathan

How did you do?

Yesterday was a day I’ll never forget.

TikTok was down for 13.5 hours.

I’m kidding! 😜

I can’t remember the last time we touched the Digital Barbell account.

However, millions of small business owners panicked when the app they count on for leads and revenue was banned.

That’s not a good feeling.

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Goodbye, for now.
Jonathan Jonathan

Goodbye, for now.

“What if we bought an Airstream, and lived in it?” 

That’s what we said in July 2023 when we bought our 27’ International. 

Well, it’s finally happening. 

In less than a month we’ll hand over our keys to our landlord and tow our home wherever we want to be. 

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Jerry Seinfeld, Weight Lifter?
Jonathan Jonathan

Jerry Seinfeld, Weight Lifter?

“I start off with curls. That’s good for the bicep. 10 reps, 2 sets.”

Blakley and I were watching Seinfeld reruns while we made dinner the other night.

Kenny Banya was explaining his workout regimen to Jerry over a bowl of soup that he exchanged for a Brand New Armani Suit.

Kenny asks Jerry if he works out with weights.

Jerry says: “No”.

Kenny says: “You should”.

Jerry says: “Why?”.

Kenny stares blankly realizing he doesn’t know why.

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I Ate 4 Peppermint Patties In a Minute. Here Is What I Learned
Jonathan Jonathan

I Ate 4 Peppermint Patties In a Minute. Here Is What I Learned

Before I tell you what happened next, let me paint the scene: I'd just finished a workout. I was hungry. And these weren't your regular peppermint patties.

They were the snowflake-shaped ones that are somehow more delicious than the garden variety circle ones.

I ate four of them in about 60 seconds.

Soon I felt that familiar sugar rush followed by the crash that made me want to face-plant into the couch instead of finishing the task at hand.

It got me thinking about something I've noticed over the years working with clients.

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Is Social Media Harmful?
Jonathan Jonathan

Is Social Media Harmful?

Besides being a giant time-suck, the worst part of social media is seeing curated and edited “perfect” versions of other people’s lives.

It’s nearly impossible to avoid comparison, which leads us to wonder why we’re struggling to get our own crap together.

Even though, deep down, we know social media isn’t real and no one’s life is perfect, we still set perfection as our standard—especially with food and exercise.

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2 Steps to “Tone & Tighten” in 2025
Jonathan Jonathan

2 Steps to “Tone & Tighten” in 2025

“I don’t really want to lose weight; I just want to tighten up.”

“I’m pretty happy with my body, but I definitely want to flatten my stomach.”

I heard both of these quotes over the holiday break.

So, what does it take to tighten things up and make your stomach as flat as a protein pancake?

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I’m Proud of What We Did
Jonathan Jonathan

I’m Proud of What We Did

Saturday morning Blakley and I (along with a hundred or so others) did the “Polar Plunge & 5K” here in our town.

The premise is simple. Run 5,000 meters, then jump in the frigid creek at the finish line.

Blakley eased into the water and paddled around. I went for the cannonball method.

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This Matters More Than Weight Loss
Jonathan Jonathan

This Matters More Than Weight Loss

It’s January 1st! The unofficial starting line for fresh gym memberships, renewed motivation, and for many…that eternal battle with the bathroom scale. Before you set off to fulfill your resolutions, let’s have a quick chat about body weight versus body composition.

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