What Snack Bars Have The Best Taste, Calories, Protein, Carbohydrates and Fat?
You know grabbing a candy bar isn’t the right option, so you head to the snack bar aisle in the store.
There you stand, under the bright LED lights overhead completely overwhelmed by the sea of choices.
Should you get the plant based protein bar?
Is the paleo one healthy?
Maybe it’s like wine and you just pick one with a cool looking label?
Well, the fact is, some of them taste like dirt, some have a ton of calories and some of them are trying to trick you into thinking you’re eating less calories than you really are.
We pulled 10 different snack bars off the shelf and we’re tasting, looking at the labels and giving you our opinion of which are “best” and which ones to avoid.
Can Not Eating Enough Make You Gain Weight?
Have you ever heard that if you eat too little you’ll gain weight? Here’s how it can happen.
What Is Skinny Fat and Exactly How to Avoid and Fix It - Training and Nutrition
Are you pretty thin but still not thrilled with the way that you look in a bathing suit or the way that you fill out a shirt? I’m talking to both men and women here.
It’s not that you want or need to necessarily lose weight, but you know that you want to look and feel different.
You’re not fat, you’re skinny fat.
Let’s spend some time talking about:
What “Skinny Fat” is and looks like
The nutritional traps and how to avoid them
The training traps and how to avoid them
What you can expect along your journey to cure your case of skinny fat
How To Use Calorie Cycling To Lose Weight
Guess what? You don’t have to give up pizza to lose weight. But if you’d like to have a slice or three and not fear the scale the next day you need to have a couple tricks up your sleeve. Here are those tricks.
How To Avoid Regaining The Weight After a Diet - Metabolism Explained
The majority of our nutrition coaching clients have an overall goal to be healthier and to lose some body fat. Let's talk about why it's so hard sometimes.
Today we are going to dig in to some of the specifics of fat loss.
What exactly is happening when we lose weight? Why does it happen? How come it happens differently for everyone? How come formulas don’t always work for calculating how much to eat to lose fat? Why is it so easy to regain fat after the diet ends? By the time you finish reading this you’ll have the answers to these questions and you’ll be better prepared should you set off on your own fat loss journey.
Is the Ketogenic Diet Good For Weight Loss?
Every 15-20 years the low-carb diet is resurrected under a different name. In the late 60’s Irwin Stillman popularized the “Stillman Diet”. In the early 70's, Robert Atkins of the "Atkin's Diet" fame brought low-carb back to the forefront. He didn't have much success with it at the time, but had MASSIVE success when it returned in the early 1990's.
It's now 2019 and the low carb has been re-branded as the "ketogenic diet" and it is hotter than Houston in September.
It'll be around a while I have a feeling so let's dig in a little and talk about the science behind low-carb diets.
Today we are going to focus on what actually happens to your body when you restrict carbohydrates to make you better educated on the entire scenario.
Is Fiber Good For Fat Loss & Reducing Cholesterol?
Lower cholesterol, improve digestion, and lose more fat loss with this one thing.
What’s the first thing you think about when you hear the word “Fiber”?
For me it’s an image of a someone in their 80’s standing in an outdated kitchen stirring a tall glass of water that has had a healthy dose of Metamucil dropped into it.
It doesn’t exactly make me want to look further into whether or not I should be paying attention to my fiber intake.
Despite that image, fiber is pretty awesome and pretty important.
Let’s dive in.
Does Sleep Increase Performance and Muscle Building?
Dollar for dollar, there’s one supplement that surpasses them all…
What Is Energy Balance and How to Use It To Gain or Lose Weight
What is energy balance?
What does our body do with all of the calories we eat?
Where do our calories go?
What can we control?
Why isn’t calories out enough?
All of these questions are answered as we explain everything you’ve wanted to know an more about energy balance!