What is "Tracking Macros", and How To Use It To Lose Fat & Gain Muscle
If you want to take control of your nutrition and get serious about fat loss or building muscle there’s really no better way than tracking macros.
If you’ve been on the interwebs in the last few years and googled anything about nutrition you’ve probably seen the term “MACROS” OR “MACRONUTRIENTS” pop up.
Maybe you rushed out to Whole Foods and headed straight for the Macronutrient aisle so you could start taking advantage of this new superfood for fat loss! Sadly, you couldn’t find a bag of macros, but you found this article and that’s even better!
How To Avoid Holiday Weight Gain This Year
How much weight does the average American gain each holiday season? I bet the answer might surprise you.
We get it, it’s tough to stay on track between Thanskgiving and New Year’s.
But it doesn’t have to be.
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