Fitness + Training, Nutrition Blakley Bonds Fitness + Training, Nutrition Blakley Bonds

Can You Build Muscle Without Gaining Fat? Lean Bulking is The Answer!

Do you want to pack on some serious strength and muscle mass? Then you need to “BULK”! The problem is, if you don’t do it the right way you might just end up wasting a bunch of time and end up gaining more fat than muscle. But we aren’t going to let that happen. You’ll learn everything you need to know in this article about how to bulk without gaining extra fat, the best exercises and how to train while bulking, and how to set your calories, protein, carbs and fat to make the most of your bulk. Let’s go!

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Fitness + Training Blakley Bonds Fitness + Training Blakley Bonds

How To Properly Warm Up For Squats

You’re doing your squats aren’t you?

I mean I know you want those arms and shoulders poppin’ for summer but that doesn’t mean you get to skip leg day!

No matter which variety of squat you use they should be in your training.

Wanna get stronger? Do squats.

Wanna burn fat? Do squats.

Want world peace? Do squats.

Want Seinfeld back on TV? Do squats.

But before you do them, let’s get you warmed up!

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Fitness + Training, Nutrition Blakley Bonds Fitness + Training, Nutrition Blakley Bonds

Is Fasted Cardio Good For Fat Loss?

Are you looking for a short cut to fat loss or a way to squeeze every little drop out of every detail in your journey to get lean?

If you are, you’ve probably heard the term “fasted cardio”.

Is fasted cardio the “hack” that you need to be doing to shed that extra fat?

Is it the key thing that you’re not doing that could help you make more progress with your weight loss?

Or is it just another myth that you shouldn’t let distract you from the basics of fat loss?

Let’s dig in and find out.

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Mindset Blakley Bonds Mindset Blakley Bonds

What’s The Best Way To Build Healthy Habits?

You have an 8% chance of keeping your New Year’s resolution.

That’s not good, and that’s putting it nicely.

As a matter of fact, a 2018 study pinpointed the date that most people give up on those goals to get in shape and eat healthy.

January 12th.


12 days?


We need a better plan.

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Fitness + Training Blakley Bonds Fitness + Training Blakley Bonds

How To Use Full Range of Motion To Avoid Injury and Build The Most Strength

Assuming you are healthy and able, we want (and insist on) you moving through FULL RANGES OF MOTION for each of your exercises.

But why?

Why do I insist on seeing video after video, making even the smallest corrections to your form?

I want to make sure you are moving WELL, SAFELY & EFFICIENTLY through the proper, full RANGE OF MOTION (ROM).

Moving through the full range of motion with good form develops strength in both your muscles & connective tissue. It helps build bigger, stronger, balanced muscles. Moving through the full range of motion also helps keep you safe by engaging the proper muscles in the proper order.

Let’s take a look at a few exercises, the proper ranges of motions for them and why.

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