Fitness + Training Blakley Bonds Fitness + Training Blakley Bonds

How to Maintain Your Muscle Size & Strength When You Can’t Get To The Gym PLUS Sample Bodyweight, Band and Dumbbell Workouts

Just because you can’t make it to the gym right now doesn’t mean you have to lose your muscle size and strength. Find out just how much you can maintain, and what you need to be doing to hang onto all of that hard earned progress. We’ve even got sample workouts complete with video demos.

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Fitness + Training Blakley Bonds Fitness + Training Blakley Bonds

How To Use Full Range of Motion To Avoid Injury and Build The Most Strength

Assuming you are healthy and able, we want (and insist on) you moving through FULL RANGES OF MOTION for each of your exercises.

But why?

Why do I insist on seeing video after video, making even the smallest corrections to your form?

I want to make sure you are moving WELL, SAFELY & EFFICIENTLY through the proper, full RANGE OF MOTION (ROM).

Moving through the full range of motion with good form develops strength in both your muscles & connective tissue. It helps build bigger, stronger, balanced muscles. Moving through the full range of motion also helps keep you safe by engaging the proper muscles in the proper order.

Let’s take a look at a few exercises, the proper ranges of motions for them and why.

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