Fitness + Training, Nutrition Blakley Bonds Fitness + Training, Nutrition Blakley Bonds

Can You Build Muscle Without Gaining Fat? Lean Bulking is The Answer!

Do you want to pack on some serious strength and muscle mass? Then you need to “BULK”! The problem is, if you don’t do it the right way you might just end up wasting a bunch of time and end up gaining more fat than muscle. But we aren’t going to let that happen. You’ll learn everything you need to know in this article about how to bulk without gaining extra fat, the best exercises and how to train while bulking, and how to set your calories, protein, carbs and fat to make the most of your bulk. Let’s go!

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Fitness + Training, Nutrition Blakley Bonds Fitness + Training, Nutrition Blakley Bonds

What Is Skinny Fat and Exactly How to Avoid and Fix It - Training and Nutrition

Are you pretty thin but still not thrilled with the way that you look in a bathing suit or the way that you fill out a shirt? I’m talking to both men and women here.

It’s not that you want or need to necessarily lose weight, but you know that you want to look and feel different.

You’re not fat, you’re skinny fat.

Let’s spend some time talking about:

  • What “Skinny Fat” is and looks like

  • The nutritional traps and how to avoid them

  • The training traps and how to avoid them

  • What you can expect along your journey to cure your case of skinny fat

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Fitness + Training Blakley Bonds Fitness + Training Blakley Bonds

What's the best way to build muscle and strength? (Training + Nutrition)

We all have different goals when it comes to what we are trying to accomplish with our workouts. Some of us desire to run long distances. Some of us want to get as strong as possible. Some of us want to be well-rounded and generally fit for life, and some of us want to grow bigger stronger muscles. You might have to goal to get bigger muscles and not even know it. Many of our clients want to look more “toned”. Toned is code for having larger (not massive) muscles, that you can actually see because they’re visible under low body fat percentages.

If you want to make your muscles grow, your training needs to be biased in that direction and it needs to have a few key components and considerations which we will dive into today.

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