Nutrition Blakley Bonds Nutrition Blakley Bonds

What is "Tracking Macros", and How To Use It To Lose Fat & Gain Muscle

If you want to take control of your nutrition and get serious about fat loss or building muscle there’s really no better way than tracking macros.

If you’ve been on the interwebs in the last few years and googled anything about nutrition you’ve probably seen the term “MACROS” OR “MACRONUTRIENTS” pop up.

Maybe you rushed out to Whole Foods and headed straight for the Macronutrient aisle so you could start taking advantage of this new superfood for fat loss! Sadly, you couldn’t find a bag of macros, but you found this article and that’s even better!

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Nutrition Blakley Bonds Nutrition Blakley Bonds

What Snack Bars Have The Best Taste, Calories, Protein, Carbohydrates and Fat?

You know grabbing a candy bar isn’t the right option, so you head to the snack bar aisle in the store.

There you stand, under the bright LED lights overhead completely overwhelmed by the sea of choices.

Should you get the plant based protein bar?

Is the paleo one healthy?

Maybe it’s like wine and you just pick one with a cool looking label?

Well, the fact is, some of them taste like dirt, some have a ton of calories and some of them are trying to trick you into thinking you’re eating less calories than you really are.

We pulled 10 different snack bars off the shelf and we’re tasting, looking at the labels and giving you our opinion of which are “best” and which ones to avoid.

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Nutrition Blakley Bonds Nutrition Blakley Bonds

What’s The Best Yogurt? Greek? Icelandic? Almond? Oatmilk? Find out with our yogurt taste test and nutrition break down.

There are approximately 8,459 options when it comes to yogurt and fauxgurt (I made that up).

Some are rich and creamy, some are sad and runny and some taste like chemical waste.

The differences don’t stop there. Some are high in carbs for no good reason, some are high in protein and some have none at all.

We taste tested 13 different yogurts (and some yogurt wanna be’s) to give you the good, the bad, and the not so tasty truths about each of them. One was so bad Blakley had to spit it out.

Find out our thoughts on non-fat yogurt, 2% yogurt, Greek yogurt, Icelandic yogurt, Almond yogurt alternative, Oatmilk non-dairy yogurt and even yogurt made from a coconut.

Let’s do it.

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Nutrition Blakley Bonds Nutrition Blakley Bonds

How To Read Food Nutrition Labels

Food packaging is ridiculous. Companies know that we have short attention spans and that we’re on a mission to look for healthy options.

Often they use these facts to confuse and mislead us by plastering the front of the package with buzzwords and bolt font highlighting things that we believe to be “healthy” all while hiding the ugly truth.

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Nutrition Blakley Bonds Nutrition Blakley Bonds

How To Find Your TDEE and How Many Grams of Protein, Carbs and Fat To Eat

We know that calories are our energy source.  

The main factor in weight gain or loss is calories in vs calories out (it’s really that simple).

If you want to maintain your body weight you need to eat around the same number of calories that you are burning.  

If you want to gain muscle you need to be eating more calories than you are burning.

If you want to lose fat, you need to be eating less calories than you are burning.

Even though we know all of these things we still may not know how much and what to eat!

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