Fitness + Training, Nutrition Blakley Bonds Fitness + Training, Nutrition Blakley Bonds

Is Fasted Cardio Good For Fat Loss?

Are you looking for a short cut to fat loss or a way to squeeze every little drop out of every detail in your journey to get lean?

If you are, you’ve probably heard the term “fasted cardio”.

Is fasted cardio the “hack” that you need to be doing to shed that extra fat?

Is it the key thing that you’re not doing that could help you make more progress with your weight loss?

Or is it just another myth that you shouldn’t let distract you from the basics of fat loss?

Let’s dig in and find out.

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Nutrition Blakley Bonds Nutrition Blakley Bonds

Is Sugar Bad? Is Fruit Bad? How Much Sugar Should I Eat Per Day? Here we go!

Let’s talk about sugar.

The average American can easily consume over 200g of sugar a day. Thats about 150g over the recommended daily dose for a healthy, exercising person. A sedentary and inactive person should actually consume even less. Have you ever looked at your sugar intake in a day? It can be eye opening and worth the effort. Use an app like MyFitnessPal to look up foods that you consume throughout the entire day and keep track of the total grams of sugar. You’ll not only get the number of grams that you ate but from this list you can also identify which foods contain the most sugar should you need to work on eliminating or substituting certain foods.

What happens when we eat too much sugar?

The main issue here is fat storage but not FROM the sugar but BECAUSE OF the sugar.

Here’s why:

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