Learning to chase and enjoy The Process.

I want to talk today about a special moment that we often get to experience with people that we coach.

A moment that leads to a mindset shift and ultimately to results far beyond what otherwise would have been possible.

Learning to chase and enjoy The Process.

Don’t get me wrong.

You should have a goal.

An idea of where you want to end up or else you’ll just be wasting time getting nowhere.

If you aim at nothing you’ll hit it every time guaranteed.

But stop spending every moment focused on and worrying about the goal.

Quit fixating on that thing out in the distance and realize that there is reward and satisfaction in the process itself.

Why do we waste so much time regretting the past and pontificating about the future?

All that worrying cripples us and can lead to years and decades of sloth and inaction.

We struggle to live in the moment, making the best of every little micro-action that makes up the process.

But we don’t have to live like that.

We can make a mindset shift.

We can decide that the process is now our goal.

We can zoom in instead of out and take control over our next decision.

Our next action.

What do I need to do right now?

How can I do the best in this moment?

When we make this shift we have access to a whole new level of positive reinforcement and ways to measure success.

Every decision and action is a chance to do something great, regardless of the result or tomorrow’s challenges.

Can I control whether or not I reach my goal of a 405lb deadlift?

No, but I can control each rep of my training to get there.

Can I control what my weight will be tomorrow morning?

Nope, but I can control what I put in my mouth today.

That’s the process.

Making the absolute best of the things that ARE in our control. One little decision at a time.

As a coach I try to guide our clients to this epiphany.

When it happens, I celebrate with them and off we go.

Crushing their goals.

Making the most of each day, trusting and enjoying the process.

So if you’re stuck staring out at a goal in the distance not knowing where to start…

Start with the thing that’s right in front of you.

Your next task. Your next decision.

Then on to the next, and so on.

That’s The Process.

Make THAT your goal, and you’ll love where you end up.


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