When The Motivation Is Gone, Remember Why You Started

Enough was enough. You made the decision to make a change. To get serious. Something motivated you to start and so you did. You were nervous, excited, fired up and off you went.

That motivation that got you going kept you going, at least for a while.

You’ve been here before. You’ve gotten this far more than once.

But now the motivation is fading. It’s getting difficult to be disciplined now that the honeymoon is ending and the work still needs to be done.

You’re thinking of throwing in the towel and quitting. Again.

Should you quit? Should you give up?

Before you do, ask yourself a few questions. The things that you tell yourself will give you your answer.

Why did you start in the first place?

Are you worth it?

Do you value yourself as person enough to make yourself a priority in your own life?

There was a reason that you started.

You knew deep down inside that something wasn’t right and that there was something better for you. That’s why you started.

We all doubt ourselves.

We all think from time to time that we aren’t worth the effort. But in that moment you saw through the negative self-talk and knew those were lies and you started.

You knew you were worth it.

That hasn’t changed.

You’re still worth it.

You should still be a priority in your life.

That motivation that got you started isn’t enough though. It’s going to get difficult. You’re going to get to that place when the thought of quitting looks like the best option.

Those are lies that you’re telling yourself because you’re forgetting that you’re worth it. The temporary relief of giving up will usher in the feelings of regret and self doubt that ultimately pushed you to start in the first place.

So when you feel like giving up this time ask yourself those questions.

I hope that the answer is that you’re worth it and that you choose to never give up.

Reach out if you need any help sticking with it!


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