There's really no reason to label foods as "good" or "bad", but there are some foods that are particularly high in calories and are incredibly easy to overeat.  For many people it's best to not have them in the house since moderating them can be tough.

1. Soft Drinks - We're talking about sugary drinks here.  A single can of Coke has 140 calories.  Perhaps worst of all is that it's 39g of carbohydrates that ALL come from sugar.  Is having a Coke going to kill you? Of course not, but if your goal is fat loss, you might have a hard time complying with your caloric / carbohydrate budget for the week if you're blowing through cans of Coke with 39g of carbohydrates per pop!  We would much prefer you get your calories in the form of foods that are also rich in fiber, vitamins and minerals.

2. Granola - I grew up eating granola.  I would pour myself a big bowl of granola cereal and refill it a couple times too.  I'd also mix it with yogurt as a "snack".  Granola is passed off as a "health" food for reasons unknown.  Maybe because the hippies were famous for it and there were skinny hippies? Either way... The reason that most people should steer clear of granola is because it is so darn easy to overeat!  Just a half cup serving packs about 200 calories and around 25g of carbohydrates with almost all of it coming from sugar!!  I don't know about you but I can sit down and eat A LOT of granola.  You can cut down the overall calories of granola by making it yourself, but for most of us, I would BEWARE.

3. Chips/Crackers - This one probably doesn't come as a surprise.  There really is no redeeming quality to chips and crackers other than the fact that they are a delicious comfort food.  They are often highly processed, super high in calories and fat and once you get going on them, it can be hard to stop.  Do yourself a favor and don't bring them into the house.

4. Cookies - They beckon to you from the pantry.  You know when they're in the house.  Once you have a taste of their sweet sugar, the taste in your mouth forces you to eat one, two, three or 10 more.  Cookies are like chips and crackers.  They aren't helping you reach your goals.  They are hard to resist.  They are loaded with sugar, calories and fat and you're better off saving your money and not tempting yourself by having them around.  Go for a piece of fruit instead and stay on track.

5. Ice Cream - We saved this one for last because we know we are going to break some hearts.  Ice cream seems to be the go-to late night, pre-bed indulgence for many many people.  We've certainly been guilty too.  I mean, it's an amazing treat. The issue with it is when we make it a part of our routine instead of making it an occasional treat.  As far as caloric, fat and carbohydrate content, it doesn't get much scarier than ice cream.  A serving of Blue Bell Homemade Vanilla Ice Cream is a half a cup.  A HALF A CUP!!! Who ever served themselves a half a cup of ice cream?! It's a trap! Anyway, a half cup has 160 calories, 18g of carbs and 8g of fat.  Multiply that times 4 (2 cups) which is a more realistic bowl of ice cream and we are at 640 calories, 72g of carbs and 32g of fat.  If you're trying to lose weight fat (or just not gain any) you aren’t going to make progress with traditional ice cream in the house.  Don't do it to yourself.  Stop buying it.  There are tons of low calorie ice cream options out there now, but we'd prefer that you break the habit or substitute with a more nutrient dense option like greek/icelandic yogurt and fruit.

There you have it!

At the end of the day it's about setting yourself up for success by eliminating and limiting the things in your life that might give you the most problems with temptation and will power. 

Stick to the perimeter of the grocery store. 

Eat stuff that came from the earth, and limit the amount of highly processed foods in your pantry. 

If you are ready to clean out your pantry and get started changing your health, we can do it together.  Send us a message today. 


