The Best Exercises For Better Posture


We live in a slumped over world.  

Our faces are buried in our phones while we hold them down in front of us.  We look down at our computer screens.  We sit in uncomfortable chairs for hours per day.

It’s no surprise that rounded over shoulders, and a curved upper back have become so prevalent.  

Even gym goers often favor exercises that develop the fronts of our bodies like the chest, abs and deltoids.  

These postures and imbalances can contribute to long term issues like neck and shoulder pain if not addressed.

Here are 5 of our favorite moves that we recommend you do a few times a week as part of your training to help out with the rounded over shoulder epidemic.

1: Face Pulls

All you need is an exercise band and something to attach it to (or a strong friend to hold the other end!).  Grab the band with both hands, step back and find a stable position.  Brace your core and pull your elbows out and back, pulling your hands to your ears.  Squeeze your shoulder blades at the back.  No need to rush these.  Focus on control.  

Do 3 sets of 15-20


2: Band Pull Aparts

Using the same band that you used for the face pulls, hold the band with both hands out in front of you with a shoulder width grip.  Make sure there is tension on the band.  Keeping your arms straight, and your thumbs facing each other, pull the band apart in an arc slowly until your arms are parallel with your body.  Squeeze your shoulder blades together.  Again, control is the name of the game.  

Do 3 sets of 15-20


3: Ring Rows

These will hit the same muscles as the face pulls and band pull apart as well as your biceps, but this one will require more strength.  Adjust the difficulty by how for you are leaning back.  As you pull yourself toward the rings, keep your upper arms at about a 45 degree angle to your torso.  Again, don’t blast through these.  

Do 2 sets of 10 reps


4: Wall Stretch

All you need for this one is a wall.  Stand at arms length with both hands on the wall at shoulder height.  Keep your arms straight, and your back flat. Press your chest through your arms and feel the stretch in your shoulders and upper back.  

Hold for 20-30 seconds 3 times.  Try to push further through each time.


5: Thoracic Reach

You better look at the picture for this one.  Look up at the ceiling as you reach your arm up and back.  You should feel this one opening up your upper back.  

Relax and stretch 10 times per side. 


There you go.  Give these a shot 3-4 times per week for 4-6 weeks.  

Take photos of yourself each week from the side and watch how your posture improves! 

If you really want to take your mobility to the next level, join our FREE “Bringin’ Flexy Back” mobility challenge.

Over 4 weeks you’ll go from tight like a tiger, to supple like a leopard. Click below to join today!


