We all have potential beyond what we can imagine.  Everything we do day in and day out is contributing to our ability to achieve our goals and our potential. 

Every decision, every choice. 

They all add up to the direction that you are going, and when combined, they determine where you will end up.  

We believe there are three main components to unlocking your physical and mental potential. 


How we move our bodies and what we do with them physically affects how we are going to look, feel and what we are going to be capable of tomorrow and in 30 years.  Are we spending more time lifting the TV remote or more time lifting weights? Prioritizing movement and training is one of the few proven ways to better almost all physical markers.


How are we fueling our bodies? That’s what food is really. It provides us with the nutrients that let our bodies move and function. What we choose to eat affects our energy levels, our mood, our health and our body composition. The more we can shift our thinking in this direction the more we can positively affect our health.


How are we dealing with stress and negativity in our lives? Stress causes so many negative outcomes in the body. Stress can be something as simple as the way we think about ourselves and as complex as our relationships with others. Are we treating ourselves as well as we treat others? Stress and negativity will absolutely destroy our bodies. Mindset matters.

As you head into the weekend think about about how you’re doing in these 3 areas.

As with everything, choose a sustainable approach for lasting change.

Find one area that you can improve on and attack it before moving on to the next.


You should eat a low-fat diet. Here’s why.


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