

It’s the freakin’ weekend y’all! It seems like the weekend gets longer and longer every year.  Thirsty Thursday! Sunday Funday! Anyway…

The weekend has ruined progress for just about all of us.  Present company included. We skip the gym, we eat too much of the wrong things.  We drink too much.  It’s tough!

I think there are a couple of things that make the weekends so tough.  First off, we’re worn out from the week and we feel like we deserve a reward.  Often times that comes in the form of sugar and alcohol.  Another common source of struggle is the fact that almost all social gatherings revolve around food, almost none of which is what you would consider healthy.  Invariably we make a bad choice at the beginning of the weekend and figure, “oh well, I blew this one.  I’ll just keep it going and get back on track on Monday”. 

So what do we do if we want to break that cycle?  Unfortunately the answer isn’t sexy and it isn’t easy.  It comes down to two magic concepts.  Discipline and will power.  At some point, if we are going to reach our goals, we have to say no.  No to the things that put us further from where we want to be.  It’s incredibly hard at first.  People will make fun of you. People will feel self conscious and shame you when you say “no” because they feel self conscious and guilty about their own lack of discipline.  That’s the cold hard truth.   

I have good news though.  It gets easier to make good choices the more often you do it.  Eventually the reward of achieving your goals outweighs the other stuff.  Your friends may never stop giving you a hard time, but they may also eventually come around to your way of thinking. 

Keep it up.  You can do this. 


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