

Fat loss is not a linear process.  There are going to be ups and downs.  Periods of progress and periods of no progress.  That's ok.  We think of a "plateau" in fat loss as a lack of progress for about 2 weeks.  

There can be many reasons your fat loss has slowed or isn't happening.  Let's talk about a couple of the first things to look for and we will go more in depth in future posts.  

The most likely cause of a stall is that there are some hidden calories in your diet that aren't being accounted for.   Here's an example.  When I cut up a watermelon or wash grapes, I probably eat at least 1 serving while doing so.  They weren't really in my plan to eat that day, but the calories went in my body anyway.  Those small things can easily add up over the course of a week to cause a stall. Especially if we have you at a conservative caloric deficit. 

The next thing we will look at before we start talking about cutting calories or increasing exercise is your sleep and stress. If you're not getting enough (7-8 hours) of sleep or if you are overly stressed, it is going to be extremely hard to continue making progress.  We've got to look at your lifestyle and find ways to help you deal with the stressors in your life and to get you to bed earlier

We will talk about more strategies to overcome a fat loss plateau in future posts.  

Hang in there!


