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It’s Week 3!

Continue shooting for getting your stretches in 5 days this week!


1:30 to 2:00 Hold

We’ve increased the time on this great stretch this week.

Remember to control your breath.

Push that hip forward as you exhale.



1:30 to 2:00 Hold

You’re familiar with this one by now.

Keep your leg straight, hips flat, and on the ground.

With each exhale think about pulling the foot closer to your head.



1:30 to 2:00 Hold

For this stretch, your band will need to be anchored up high.

Face the band, grab it and shift your hips back while bringing your arm up.

Keep your bicep next to your ear.

Keep your palm face up and rotate your body slightly.

This stretch is great for upper back and shoulder mobility for barbell athletes and desk-workers alike.



1:30 to 2:00 Hold

With the band anchored low, or under your foot, grab it with your elbow up to the ceiling and your hand behind your back.

You will need to be pretty close at first to get into it position.

Flip your palm away from you (wanting to externally rotate our shoulders here). It’s not a big deal if you can’t get there just yet.

With your elbow in line with your ear, you should already be feeling a stretch in your triceps.

Let’s take it one step further after you have done 30 seconds to a minute there.

Move your elbow away from you and turn your neck in the other direction.

This should feel great on your neck and traps (top of shoulders) where most people carry a lot of tension and stress.

Hold this for an additional 30 seconds before switching arms. 



1:30 to 2:00 Hold

This yoga move feels great on the lower back.

While keeping your feet facing forward, spread your legs wider than your shoulders.

With a flat back, hinge forward and either touch/reach for the ground or onto an object to prop your hand on. 

Reach back and up toward the ceiling with the other arm.



1:30 to 2:00 Hold

With your butt against, or close to a wall, prop your feet up slightly wider than shoulder-width.

Keep your lower back flat on the floor, and let your knees hang wide to the sides.

You can use your elbows to anchor your knees out, while keeping your feet flat against the wall.

This stretch targets your hips and can be used as a warm-up before squatting.



1:30 to 2:00 Hold

How are these progressing for you?



1:30 to 2:00 Hold

With one knee on the ground, and the other foot out in front of you, bring your hips forward and your arms overhead creating a proud chest up to the ceiling.

With a big inhale through your nose, exhale slowly, while driving your back hip forward.

Think of pushing your head through your arms and maintaining your breath. 


Have a great week and feel free to reach out with any questions!